воскресенье, 2 декабря 2012 г.

The Ultimate Kettlebell Workout

Build more muscle (and burn more fat) with a new way to pump iron.

Kettlebells are not glorified version of dumb-bells. “A kettlebell’s centre of gravity actually shifts during the course of the exercise,” says Jason C Brown CSCS, owner of Kettlebell Athletics in Philadelphia. It’s like many of the objects you lift everyday such as overstuffed briefcases, lopsided grocery bags), and repeated use provides much the same benefit: functional, real world strength.

DO THIS: Perform the following workout as a “ladder.” Begin with 1 rep of each exercise on your right side, moving from one to the next without rest. Next, do 2 reps of each on your right side, then 3, and so on up to 5 reps. Rest for 2 minutes, and then repeat the ladder on your left side. If your grip isn’t strong enough to complete a full ladder on one side, alternate sides, resting for 1 minute between rep levels.

Kettlebell single-arm snatch

Grab a kettlebell with your right hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, letting the kettlebell hang at arm’s length in front of you. Swing it between your legs and, in one fluid motion, pull it forward and up. When it reaches heart level, flip it behind your forearm and punch it overhead. “The snatch trains your whole body in one move,” says Brown.

Kettlebell windmill

With the kettlebell still overhead, pivot your feet so your toes point 45 degrees away from the weight. Keeping your right arm straight overhead, push your hips to the right and slide your left hand down your left leg. Pause, and then reverse the move to return to the start. “Not only does this strengthen your shoulders,” says Brown, “but it also hits your core.”

Kettlebell single-arm front squat

Bring the kettlebell into the “rack position”—right elbow by your side, weight in front of your right shoulder, palm facing in. Push your hips back and lower your body into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and then stand back up. “Doing squats with a barbell puts a lot of stress on your wrists,” says Brown. “With kettlebells, your wrists stay in a safe, neutral position.”

Kettlebell single-arm shoulder press

Stand with the kettlebell just outside your shoulder, palm facing forward. Push the weight straight overhead, and then slowly lower it back down to the starting position. “The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body as well as the least stable, so it’s important to maintain proper form,” says Brown. “That means keeping your elbow close to your side.”

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