суббота, 1 декабря 2012 г.

Leave Your Saddlebags in the Stable


Six Key Exercise to Lose Them for Good!

When I was asked to explain certain exercises that would get rid of someone’s pesky “saddlebags,” I needed to clarify the term. So, I did what I always do when needing clarification; I Googled “Definition of Saddlebag.”  This is what came up:
sad·dle·bag (noun)
  1. Each of a pair of bags attached behind the saddle on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle
  2. Excess fat around the hips and thighs
This definition brought to mind the one question I am most commonly asked, usually while the person is standing next to me, pinching a hunk of skin from their arms, butt, stomach…or thighs: “What exercise can I do to lose this?”  That’s when I typically point to my mouth and say, “It all depends on this!”
Now, I’m not implying that the roadmap to that lean body is based only on what you eat; you have to exercise as well. Fitness is a healthy balance of proper nutrition and exercise. They go hand in hand – kind of like Bert and Ernie or Laverne and Shirley (I may be dating myself now, but you get the picture). 
Most of us don’t even realize that we are all fully equipped with a machine that is ready and willing to make us healthy – our bodies.  If treated properly, your body will respond positively and quickly to any changes your mind is ready to throw at it.  Our bodies were meant to be fueled and used just like a car: feed it the proper fuel, drive it on a regular basis, and it will run like a race car! 
I am going to provide you with six exercises that will help your body run at optimum performance.  I have also included a sample week of nutrition and exercise. The key here is to mix up your exercise as much as possible so the body doesn’t get used to always doing the same thing.  By simply following a sound nutrition program and exercising your entire body 3-4 times a week, you will see immediate results.  Not only will you lose those saddlebags, but you will notice toning in every part of your body. 
First and foremost, how do you feed it the proper fuel?   

EXERCISE # 1: Nutrition

Balanced Meal =
  1. High quality meat, fish and eggs
  2. Plenty of fruits and vegetables
  3. Healthy sources of dietary fat
Portion size =
  1. Protein source that is the size of your palm.
  2. Fruits and vegetables should cover the remainder of your plate.
  3. Healthy fat oils the size of your thumb x 2.
Meals =
  1. Eat 3 balanced meals a day.
  2. Eat 2 balanced snacks a day.
  3. Cut out “liquid” meals.
  4. Drink water

I believe that a good nutritional program should be centered on eating real food. No pills or potions needed.  You don’t have to count calories, and you don’t have to weigh and measure.  I am talking about the quality of food here. 
The next five exercises will be used to drive your body on a regular basis. 

EXERCISE #2: Burpees

  1. Start by standing nice and tall, arms outstretched. 
  2. Quickly lower yourself to the ground to the bottom of the pushup position.  Chest to the floor with your hands placed next to your chest and your elbows tucked in tightly to your body. 
  3. Push your body up until the elbows are locked out at the top.
  4. Jump your feet back in towards your hands.
  5. Jump out by stretching the entire body from fingertips to toes.

EXERCISE #3: Goblet Squat

(Equipment needed: 15-20 pound kettlebell or dumbbell)
  1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly toed out holding a kettle bell or dumbbell close to your chest.

  2. Lower your bottom to parallel, as if you were attempting to sit on something.  (It helps here to place something behind you like a bench or a chair). Bottom sets back first and heels are dug firmly into the ground.  (No toe squatting).

  3. Stand all the way back up, opening up the knees and hips.

EXERCISE #4: Kettlebell Swing

(Equipment needed: 15 -20 pound kettlebell or dumbbell)
  1. Stand with a slight bend in the knees, your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, and kettle bell is grasped securely with both hands. 
  2. Making sure that your feet are planted firmly on the ground, you will use your hips for momentum and swing the kettle bell as if you were tossing it through the ceiling. Elbows are locked tight for the entire movement.  The weight will stop when it is directly overhead. 
  3. You will then bring the weight back down to original starting position, never losing the arch in the back. It is imperative on this movement that the feet stay firmly planted and you control the weight; the weight does not control you.
  4. This last photo is a bad swing. Make sure when you come down with the weight you do notbend in half and look like this.

Exercise #5: Lunge

(To make this exercise more difficult, you can add kettle bells or dumbbells in each hand)
  1. Start by standing tall; you can hold your arms out for balance.
  2. Take a step forward to a lunge. Make sure you are keeping the front knee behind the front toe.
  3. Stand back up and switch feet.
  4. To make this exercise more difficult, you can add weight.

Exercise #6: Cardio

  1. Running/Speed Walking
  2. Swimming
  3. Bicycling
  4. Rowing
Now, how do you take a combination of these movements to implement a routine for a healthy balance of proper nutrition and exercise?

The Daily Routine Breakdown

Day 1: 
Nutrition: Follow the instructions for Nutrition 101.
Exercise: The 16 Minute Living Room Workout!
Do the following exercises: the goblet squat, burpee, lunge and kettle bell swing. For twenty seconds, do as many reps of these assigned exercise as you can, and then rest 10 seconds. Repeat this seven more times for a total of eight intervals, four minutes total per exercise.

Day 2:
Nutrition: Follow the instructions for Nutrition 101.
Exercise: Play with your kids or go for a nice long walk with your friends.

Day 3:
Nutrition: Follow the instructions for Nutrition 101.
Exercise: Do three rounds of 400 M run, 25 burpees, 25 kettle bell swings.
Example: Run 400 M (1/4 mile), do 25 burpees and 25 kettle bell swings. Repeat this two more times for a total of 3 rounds.

Day 4: 
Nutrition: Follow the instructions for Nutrition 101.
Exercise: Go for a nice long swim or bike ride. Move the muscles that may be a little sore.

Day 5:
Nutrition: Follow the instructions for Nutrition 101.
Exercise: Do 5 rounds of 200 M run, 25 goblet squats, 15 sit ups, 10 lunges (each leg), 5 pushups.
Example: Run 200 M, do 25 goblet squats, 15 sit-ups, 10 lunge, and 5 push-ups. Repeat this 4 more times for a total of 5 rounds.

Day 6 and 7: 
Nutrition Moderation: Allow yourself to have a little snack because on Monday your back on track. 
Exercise: play a sport, run around with your kids, move about, but don’t forget to relax and let the muscle’s recover because on Monday you start over again!

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