вторник, 7 мая 2013 г.

How to Master the Glute-Ham Raise

Blast your backside with this exotic yet essential move
By Joe Wuebben
The glute-ham raise (GHR) might be the most underrated exercise ever invented. It’s considered by most to be a hamstring move— and it certainly nails your hammies from top to bottom—but GHRs hit your entire posterior chain, from your gastrocs to your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.
According to Dave Tate, creator of elitefts.com a leading fitness site, getting stronger on the glute ham raise will increase your squat, deadlift, and clean, making you run faster and jump higher. This is the one auxiliary exercise you need to start doing now.

When to Do It

After squats or deadlifts

Where It Hits

Posterior chain

How Much To Do

3 sets, 6–10 reps

Start Position - Body roughly parallel to floor

1. The right equipment is crucial. The best GHR apparatus can be found at elitefts.com (around $800).
2. Start facedown with your body roughly parallel to the floor.
3. Your thighs should be in contact with the half-moon pad, with your knees just behind it.
4. The backs of your ankles are on the two smaller pads (the higher you set these, the harder it gets).

Finish Position - Torso close to perpendicular to floor

1. Push your knees into the pad while contracting your hamstrings to raise your torso.
2. Keep your back as straight as possible throughout the movement.
3. Keep your feet aligned in north-south position, and
don’t let your heels turn inward.

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