вторник, 1 января 2013 г.

Kettlebell Swings

The kettlebell swing is an explosive exercise that trains and strengthens the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles. Core muscles are used in stabilizing. Flexibility, endurance, and lung capacity are also enhanced by the exercise. 
  • To begin the swing, lower the kettlebell down by increasing the bend in the hip and knees. It is extremely important to keep the back flat by focusing on keeping the chest up and tightening the lower back.
  • Launch out of the bottom of the swing by explosively thrusting the hips, thighs and lower back muscles.  Swing the kettlebell up to head height and inhale.
    • Do not hyperextend your hips or bend your lower spine beyond its natural curve.
    • The kettlebell swings up due to the momentum caused by this movement, and not because of any contraction of the shoulders.
    • You should have a powerful hip snap on every rep.
  • At the top of the swing, the hips and knees are completely open, and the kettlebell can be anywhere between head height and directly overhead.
    • When the kettlebell loses momentum and begins to drop, return to the start and repeat the process.
    • Note that when you proceed from the top back to the bottom, the momentum of the kettlebell will again slow. As it changes direction, it should be directly below your butt.
    • Properly executed, there will be no problems, but novices should pay attention. Start with a lighter weight until you have mastered the movement.

  • Develops explosive power and strength in the legs
  • Improves lower back endurance and strength
  • Improves core endurance and strength
  • High reps improve cardio fitness and lactate tolerance
  • High rep swings are an effective fat burning exercise
  • Develops foundation skills for more complex ballistic exercises
  • Increase kettlebell weight
  • Use 1 hand at a time
  • Increase the range of motion to directly overhead

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