вторник, 8 января 2013 г.

Work Out Like a Warrior

Get the body of a Spartacus star with just three exercises.

Photography by: Xavier Wallach
sprinting on the beach


It takes a special kind of body to be able to walk around in a loincloth. you need to be muscular but lean and athletic enough to look like you can hold your own in any situation. that’s the look the cast of spartacus: Vengeance has perfected—and the look Manu Bennett, one of the stars of the series, will help you achieve in this month’s work­ out.
Bonus: You can do it from anywhere, and you’ve got only three exercises per workout.


Gyms are crowd­ed this time of year, and if you’re a busy guy, you don’t have much time to spend in them anyway. Truth is, if you cover all your bases each workout, less is more. Full ­body training, where a workout consists of a push, pull and leg exercise, is enough to keep your muscles growing for months while enabling you to shed pounds.

If you're looking for a new TRX workout, give this fun and effective 25 minute full body routine a try.

 25-Minute Full Body TRX Circuit

The power lies in variety. Keep changing up the exercises, sets, reps, and loads and you’ll never plateau. The workouts shown here are just a three­ day sample. You can choose any exercise you like as long as it satisfies one of these categories: push (pushups, presses); pull (rows, chinups); and legs (squats, deadlifts, or any of their variations). Don't worry that you won't be targeting your abs directly. 

The Abdominal Trifecta Workouts

Three routines and three planes of motion to cover all of your ab training angles.

Six-Pack Abs


Let's assume your diet is in check, you're working out hard, intense and with plenty of complex, compound movements. You're excited that body fat is melting away faster than an ice cream sandwich left in the sun, but you're still not satisfied with your progress. We worked with trainer Jon-Erik Kawamoto, MSc Kin(c), CSCS, CEP to develop three ab routines consisting of three exercises each that challenge three different functions of your core to have those abs popping out even more.
*Begin each of your workouts with one of these ab routines to ensure you put 100% effort into each exercise. Continue on to your regular training program after you complete all the sets and reps.

Ab Trifecta One:

Perform 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps with no breaks.
>> Flexion component: Weighted Rope Crunches
>> Stretching component: Hanging Leg Lifts 
>> Rotational component: 45-degree Laying Windshield Wipers
Exercise Instructions:
Weighted Rope Crunch:
Kneel in front of a high cable stack with a rope attachment. Hold the rope with your hands on either side of your head. Crunch forward while bringing your elbows toward your stomach.
Hanging Leg Lift
Grab a chin-up bar and hang your body off the ground. Without rocking or swinging, raise your straight legs as high as you can.
45-degree Laying Windshield Wiper
Lay on your back with your arms out to your sides. Bring your legs straight up until you have a 90-degree angle at your hips. With control sweep your legs from side to side, achieving a 45-degree angle with the floor.

Ab Trifecta Two:

Perform 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps with no breaks.
>> Flexion component: Weighted Swiss Ball Crunches 
>> Stretching component: Kneeling Ab Wheel Roll Outs 
>> Anti-Rotational component: Standing Anti-Rotation Press (5-second holds per rep)
Exercise Instructions:
Weighted Swiss Ball Crunch
Lay on your back on an exercise ball. Hold a dumbbell on your chest and crunch up.
Kneeling Ab Wheel Roll Out
Kneel on a mat while holding an ab wheel. Roll forward while keeping a tight torso. Bring your hips forward as your arms reach away from you. Pull back by contracting your abs.
> Standing Anti-Rotation Press
Stand perpendicular to an adjustable cable stack. Bring the handle toward your stomach and stand with your feet hip width apart. Press the handle forward and resist the urge to rotate toward the cable stack. Hold for 5 seconds. Return the handle back to your stomach and repeat.

Ab Trifecta Three:

Perform 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps with no breaks.
>> Flexion component: Reverse Crunches 
>> Anti-Rotation component: Birddog Hands & Toes 
>> Isometric component: Side Star Bridge (5-second holds per rep)
Exercise Instructions:
Reverse Crunch
Lay on your back and hold a heavy dumbbell over your head. Bring your knees toward your chest and keep your legs together. Bring your knees toward your elbows then return your hips back to the ground.
Birddog Hands and Toes
Get into a plank position. Stay long and tight in your torso and slowly raise one arm and the opposite leg until they're both extended out. Bring the arm and leg back and switch sides.
Side Star Bridge
Prop yourself up into a side plank. Support yourself on your hand and the side of your foot. Extend your top leg and arm up so you form a star. Hold this pose for 5 seconds each rep.

About the Trainer:
Jon-Erik Kawamoto, MSc Kin(c), CSCS, CEP is a Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Fitness Writer currently based in St. John's, NL, Canada. He has contributed to several major health and fitness magazines and is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Human Kinetics at Memorial University. You can find more of Jon-Erik's work atJKConditioning.com

If you're doing lots of standing and unilateral exercises, you'll feel your core working constantly. In the first exercise of every session go heavy, the second one should give a good pump, and the third should test your endurance. In four weeks, you may not be ready for the coliseum, but at least you’ll look the part.

Improv Workout: Full Body 45lb Plate Workout

Stuck in a crowded gym or is equipment limited? Grab a 45lb. plate and try this 6-move full body circuit.

single 45lb. plate in the gym


Editor's Note: Mike Simone
Improv Workouts is a series of workouts specifically geared for people stuck in jam-packed gyms or are faced with limited equipment such as a single barbell, kettlebell, 45 lb plate or a jump rope. Each week will highlight a unique workout. 

You don't need a full gym, massive amounts of space and all the weights in the world to get an effective workout i. Sure, it's much more convenient, but if you're in a jam, here's a full body circuit using a single 45lb. plate. (or 25lb/35lb - depending on strength)


* Complete as many reps as possible. [failure/exhaustion]
* Complete five rounds.
* Rest 120 seconds in between rounds.
* Add all your reps for a score.


MOVE ONE: Overhead Squat 
Press the plate overhead and stand with your feet in traditional squat position. Attempt to "stand tall" while squating.
MOVE TWO: Modified Upright Row/Clean to Overhead Press
Hold the plate in front of your with your hands on each side of the plate. Raise the plate up from your waist to your shoulders then explode upwards into a press. (your hands may change positioning slightly due to the shape of the plate)
MOVE THREE: Single Arm Bent-Over Row
Hold the plate with a neutral grip in one arm with other arm to your side. Complete as many reps as possible and switch sides. 
MOVE FOUR: Traditional Push Ups
Hit the floor and complete as many push ups as possible. 
MOVE FIVE: Floor Presses [for speed]
After completing your push ups your body will be a bit taxed - grab the plate and "press" just like a bench press but from the floor. Complete as many reps as you can, as fast as you can.
MOVE SIX: Russian Twists
Hop up into a seated position with the plate to your side in both hands. Slightly lean back and rotate the plate from one side of yuor body to the other while touching the ground on each side.

Perform each workout (Day I, II, and III) once per week, resting a day between sessions. Vary the order of your movement pat­ terns. For instance, the first exercise on Day I can be a pull, and the first exer­cise on Day II can be legs. Keep the sets and reps the same for the first, second, and third exercises, but change the exercises themselves regu­larly—those shown here are only an example.


* In the 5th century gladiatorial contests between men were outlawed in Rome. Beast hunting in the arena continued well into the sixth century.


1/ Bentover Row: 5 sets, 5 reps
Hold a barbell at arm’s length with hands shoulder width. Push your hips back and lower your torso until it’s parallel to the floor. bend your knees as necessary. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and row the bar to your belly.
Training Tip:
To avoid injury, don't bob up and down with the torso on your final rep.
2/ Pushup: 4 sets, 10 reps
Keep your core tight so your body remains in a straight line. Lower your chest until it is one inch above the floor.
3/ Kettlebell Squat: 3 sets, 15 reps
Hold kettlebells at shoulder level and stand with your feet shoulder width and toes turned out slightly. Push your hips back as if you were going to sit back into a chair and lower your body as far as you can without losing the arch in your lower back.


* Ancient Romans dedicated 175 days out of the year to the gladiatorial games.


1/ Squat: 5 sets, 5 reps
Grasp the bar outside shoulder width and squeeze tightly. step under it and pull your shoulder blades together. Arch your back to take the bar off the rack—it should rest on your traps or rear delts. step back and set your feet shoulder- width apart. Take a deep breath and sit back, lowering yourself as far as you can while keeping your lower back in its natural arch.
2/ Superman Pushup: 4 sets, 10 reps on each side
Perform a pushup and then extend one arm and the opposite leg at the top. You’ll need to brace your core.
Training Tip:
Extend your arm and leg simultaneously squeezing your core and glutes.
3/ Kettlebell Row: 3 sets, 15 reps on each side
Stand with legs staggered and hold a kettlebell in one hand. Keeping your lower back flat, bend at the hips until your torso is at a 45-degree angle. Row the weight to your belly.
Training Tip:
Think about pulling your elbow behind you, and don't shrug your shoulder.


* 3,000 men were killed in one day during the 100-day celebration of the opening of the Colosseum in 80 A.D. 


1/ One-arm Pushup: 5 sets, 5 reps each side
Use a wide stance and rest your hand behind your back. if you need assistance, attach a band to a sturdy object and make a loop. Reach your free arm out 90 degrees to your side and grasp the band. Using the band for support, perform the pushup with your arm outstretched.
Training Tip:
The wider your foot placement, the stronger your base of support will be.
2/ Assisted Chinup: 4 sets, 10 reps 
Attach a band to a chinup bar and stand in the loop. The band will unload some of your body weight and make the chinup easier to perform for high reps.
3/ Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets, 15 reps
Hold a barbell in front of your thighs with hands shoulder width. Keeping your lower back flat, push your hips back and bend forward until you feel you’re about to lose the arch in your lower back. Bend your knees as needed.

WORKOUT ROUTINE: Bonus Cardio Workout >>

If you have time at the end of your sessions, you can do interval cardio. Warm up for five min­ utes and then sprint for 30 seconds. Back off to a light jog or walk for 60 seconds. That’s one interval. Repeat for 6–10 intervals, and then take five minutes to cool down.

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