среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.

Top 5 Kettlebell Exercises for Abs


A lot of people have asked me how kettlebells can help their Press if all the “Hard Style” exercises are compound in nature.
First, compound exercises by their nature are very intense and will help you strip fat off your body fat by putting you in a extremely high post workout metabolic state. If you have the strongest core in the world no one can tell if it is protected by a layer of blubber.
A lot of folks have a strong core but high body fat. So the first tip is to clean up the diet.
That being said, here are my “Top 5 Kettlebell Exercises for 6 (or even 8) pack abs:
1) Russian Twist: For those of you looking for a more focused approach. All I would add is that if you do the “bicycle” it gets to be even more challenging!
2) Kettlebell strength: Done correctly this is an amazing core smoker. If you are properly employing a mix of tension and Press “Hard Style” you will know what I mean!
3) Press: Perhaps the paramount strength exercise. It requires full body fitness. It’s a combination of strength, flexility and focus. Your shoulders will love it and your core will “thank you.”
4) strength Press: People want to know how I can include a “shoulder” exercise but the strength Kettlebell, “Hard Style” is far from a shoulder movement. If you create the tension that Kettlebell requires then you will know what I mean. Lots of times my abs are burning when I do this.
5) strength Front Squat: Try it and you will see what I mean. This KILLS you core. As well as your legs.

Abdominal Training using the Wheel

People always ask us for abdominal exercises. Well, here you go then. For less than ten dollars you can purchase a wheel and when performed properly, your ABS will get stronger and will get more toned ( I hate that word). Check out as Yoana and I show you how to perform the "evil wheel" the correct way.

Also keep in mind that no exercise will melt off fat from the midsection if you are wolfing down too many calories on a daily basis. Long term you must cut your calories and optimize the quality of food you take it. Remember the term, "Junk in, Junk out." If you eat junk food just remind yourself that the cells in your body will be replaced with the food that you are eating. Do you really want your eyeball tissue and liver cells to made from Krispy Creme doughnuts and Big Macs?

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