пятница, 15 ноября 2013 г.

Barbell Mobility!

If you want to truly find your best snatch and c&j, you have to develop the mobility of an elite weightlifter. Some of you may think that this is not possible for you but the idea is to never cease to head in that direction, as the closer you get, the more potential you'll have!

Exaggerate your barbell positions as mobility work. Do some extra OH squats with a grip that pushes you anything more narrow than your snatch grip. Do some of these with elevated heels to be able to bring the hands in even more and hit from different angle. Do holds/pauses in any of the positions you struggle with to further speed the process; front rack standing or in the bottom, OH standing or in the bottom, etc. Mix this with all of the other great Mobi info out there for a strong combo!

Also, VERY IMPORTANT make sure that you understand what your positions of most potential are in all of your gymnastics movements. Your end positions must be supportive and NOT muscled; ie, LOCK THE ELBOWS, as I've now heard @davedurante say a million times! Otherwise you're doing a lot of reps working against all things Oly!

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