As a Basic Kettlebell Exercise, the 1 Arm K-Bell swing is a simple variation to try.
Please see the Health & Safety page for basic guidance before commencing this exercise
Why do it?
A simple variation on the two arm swing. (For more detail please see my notes on the swing)

How to do it
- Position a kettlebell slightly in front of you to help initiate the swing.
- Crease at the hips and push your butt back whilst keeping a flat back.
- Grab with one hand and hike it back as if trying to pass it to someone behind you. As per the two hand swing, you should be feeling the tension in your hamstrings at this point. Now as the kettlebell starts to come forward, thrust your hips powerfully forward and clench your butt tight. This will drive the kettlebell upwards.
- As the kettlebell starts to come back down under its own weight, regain control of it at the bottom and force it back underneath you whilst at the same time twisting your hand so as your thumb is facing backwards and then repeat.
- Breathe as per the regular swing.
Quality Points
- Remember you are not using the deltoids to lift the kettlebell. This is primarily a hamstring, hips and lower back exercise.
- The hip thrust has to be explosive – I like to compare it to a standing jump. When you crouch to jump straight upwards you explode as fast as possible otherwise you wouldn’t even get off the ground. The swing is very similar except the force generated goes into projecting the kettlebell forward instead of the vertical jump.
- You need to have economy of movement here as is the case with a lot of kettlebell movements. Make sure that the kettlebell doesn’t swing too far out. This is generally referred to as ‘taming the arc’.
- Don’t lean back excessively but do make sure you keep your shoulder blades pulled back to minimise the outward projector of the kettlebell. Inhale on the downswing and exhale on the upswing.
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