Why do it?
This is an excellent exercise requiring high demands on the core musculature and upper back. You will need have a good foundation of core strength before trying this exercise. You should be able to hold a standard plank for a decent amount of time without any soreness being felt through the lower back.

- Get into a press up position whilst pressing down on the handles of two kettlebells. (Please be cautious if you are using kettlebells with a relatively small base as they can topple over, seriously hurting your wrist)
- Make sure that you are well over the tops of the kettlebells. Your arms should be straight.
- Forcefully push down on one kettlebell as if trying to force it into the ground. As you do so, brace your core and Pull the other kettlebell into your ribs. Make sure that as you do so, you minimise any rotation through your body. Avoid any shifting around by keeping your feet stable. If you are unable to do this then the weight used is too heavy.
- Pause for a second and then lower under control. Check your bracing and repeat on the other side.
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