Written by Aaron Guyett on Wednesday, 02 October 2013. Posted in Conditioning Articles

The Chain Pull. The cold steel resisting your grip, as every ounce, every link grabs the ground. You are trembling in your core. Your shoulder shakes and your forearm and biceps aren't pumping out the lactic acid that swells and aches. Yet, with a sharp exhale, you pull hard with your entire body, again and again until sweat drops off your brow and drips down your cheek. Finally, you are done.
The satisfaction of accomplishments wells up from your soul as your arms and hands can barely lift themselves up to wipe your eyes clear. You walk around, feeling stronger yet exhausted. You tell your gym friends between breaths, "That. Sucks." But deep inside you are inspired, motivated, encouraged, and lifted by the challenge of the chain pull. You just barely got nine pulls in one minute, and you realize that this is a true practical application of pull strength, stability, power, and endurance.
Chain pulls simulate exactly what would happen in the real world if you needed to pull someone to safety, or reel in your friend with a rope. The chain pull works your lats, anterior abdominals, intercostals, scapular muscles, chest, shoulders, and even a bit of the lower extremity. It is a power exercise, but because it is one minute long, you must have the mental fortitude, lactic threshold, and aerobic capacity to do more than one revolution of this 100 pound behemoth beast.
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