Written by Tarek ‘Taz’ Chouja on Friday, 27 September 2013. Posted in Conditioning Articles

The Battling Rope is one of the most versatile tools that takes unconventional training to an "accessible" level. By accessible, I mean it is not an exclusive tool for avid fitness freaks nor for athletes such as MMA.
The versatility of the Battling Rope is in the incredible array of diverse and varied training applications, from strong man pulls to velocity training, otherwise known as small or big wave training. Credit for the Battling Ropes lies solely with John Brookfield, who I have personally had the great pleasure training and learning from.
The constant force production required by Battling Rope exercise mean that the core, arms, and associated stability muscles work synergistically to create waving motions in a constant or varied continuum. Movements may be performed in all the planes of motion (sagittal, transverse, and frontal), making them a fluid, dynamic, and functional training tool.
Complexes are currently a popular programing method. Whether they involve Kettlebell, Powerbag, or Battling Ropes, complexes incorporate a series of coordinated movements into a free flowing sequence. They feature cross over benefits for MMA fighters and your general client who wants to achieve the typical trio of benefits: fat loss, muscle tone, and general fitness. Needless to say, all of those (and much more) can be achieved by simply applying Battling Rope complexes to your standard workouts.
In the following video, you will see a complex called "Kneeling to Standing" that may be performed for time or repetitions:
You will note that the movement started in the sagittal plane on the knees and eventually into a standing transverse movement. The key to it is fluidity and keeping focused with your breathing (which is a whole other topic for another conversation).
Now that you have a taste, remember that each of these movements needs to be broken down and taught with progressions and coaching techniques before throwing them to a client.
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