четверг, 5 марта 2015 г.

Dorsal Sling

The dorsal sling is a functional movement system, mostly located on the back of you. 
This sling connects the latissimus dorsi to the opposite gluteus maximus, via the triple-layered diamond of thoracolumbar fascia. 
Through this system, we can transmit force generated from one foot to the opposite limb. This specific system helps us generate and transmit forces, especially for extension and gait. 
Stand up. I’ll wait. 
You used both sided dorsal slings to help you do that. 
Now that you’re up, walk one step and freeze with one leg back. That back leg is firing the gluteus maximus (glute), while helping your opposite arm swing backwards with the latissimus dorsi (lat). 
The problem is that this sling is on the back of you, often ignored and out of sight. And the use of the dorsal sling is the great opposer of gravity. 
At any moment that we let the sling disconnect, then we fall into flexion and away from stability and spinal neutrality. 
And many of us fall into flexion anyway, as we sit for most of our day compressing our lumbar spine. 
Goodbye, glutes. 
Then we look up at our computers or down at our phones.
Goodbye, lats. 
We do this for most of our day, expecting our bodies to magically recover as soon as we stand up. 
I am fairly convinced that many faulty movement problems start as dorsal sling problems. 
From neck pain to back pain to disc herniations to knee pain, laziness usually can be found in the dorsal sling. 
Don’t forget the lats and glutes connect to the abdominal musculature through that diamond-shaped fascia. 
This fascia envelops and connects the intrinsic and extrinsic core muscles, like psoas, quadratus lumborum, internal abdominal oblique, multifidus, erector spinae, and transversus abdominis. 
Thus, abdominal pressure and spinal stability help connect the lats and glutes.
It goes the other way, too. 
The more you use the lats and glutes as a unit, you'll gain more spinal and abdominal stability. 
If you have lats, glutes, and abs working in synergy, then many movement issues fall away. 
Every breath you take can set you up for faulty or efficient movement in the dorsal sling. Since abdominal muscles are respiration muscles, they connect to the lats and glutes. 
If you want a more functional dorsal sling, start initiating every breath you take from the abdomen. 
Build that abdominal pressure to connect the lats and glutes. 
Now use those lats and glutes with every step and stair you take.
Use this connected sling system to power you out of your chair and to help pick up your children. 
And as you earn your right to be upright, explore how strong you can get by using the dorsal sling to do strength drills, like pull-ups and deadlifts. 
You might find the dorsal sling awareness you've been needing for injury prevention. 
As always, it's your call. 
- Dr. Kathy Dooley


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