Brandon Hofer
This will be the last entry before the StrongFirst Level 2 Certification weekend in Chicago. Next week will be light workouts, low volume with double 20kg, and a few sets with the double 24kg. See you there!
Athlete Journal, Entry 6 - 4/20/2014
April 5th:
The Tactical Strength Challenge was coming up, so I did a little prep work in anticipation. This will be my first time trying the Elite class with 32kg Snatches.
Turkish Getup x3 - 32kg
Kettlebell Snatches:
20kg x5R
20kg x5L
24kg x5R
24kg x5L
28kg x5R
28kg x5L
32kg x5R
32kg x5L
x5 total sets
Finish with:
24kg x20R
24kg x20L
24kg x20R
24kg x20L
24kg x20R
No Timer
Total Volume - 300 Snatches:
20kg x50
24kg x150
28kg x50
32kg x50
This was one of my most enjoyable workouts in the past few months. Lots of focused snatching, not a lot of complexity, and plenty of variety with the different kettlebell sizes. I hit my total volume for the day and felt really good afterwards.
April 7th:
Press Ladder
Double 28kg x(1,2,3,4,5)
Single 32kg x(1,2,3,4,5)
Double 28kg x(1,2,3,4,5)
Double 24kg x10/ minute
15 minutes
April 8th:
Swing x10 - 32kg
Goblet Squat x10 - 32kg
Swing x10 - 32kg
TRX One Arm Row x5 each side
Swing x10 - 32kg
x5 sets

April 9th:
April 10th:
Double 24kg
Clean x1 - Press x1 - Front Squat (FSQ) x1
Clean x1 - Press x2 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x3 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x4 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x5 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x6 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x7 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x6 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x5 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x4 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x3 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x2 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x1
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x2
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x3
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x4
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x5
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x6
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x7
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x6
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x5
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x4
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x3
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x2
Clean x1 - Press x1 - FSQ x1
Finish with:
Double 24kg
Top of the Minute:
Double Swings x10
Double Cleans x10
Double Swings x10
Double Cleans x10
Double Swings x10
Double Cleans x10
Double Swings x10
Double Cleans x10
Double Swings x10
Double Cleans x10
April 13th:
Tactical Strength Challenge:
I tried the Elite class for the first time and hit 68 snatches with the 32kg, which was a pretty good start for me. The next two days I was extremely sore and took it easy to make sure I would be ready for the certification weekend.
April 14th:
Yoga and Recovery
April 15th:
Narrow Grip Bench Press
135lbs - 5 sets of 10
Kettlebell Snatches - 24kg
6 sets of 10, alternating arms
April 17th:
Farmer Walks - 40kg
Turkish Getup - 32,32,32,40,32
Overhead Press - 32kg - 3x (1,2,3)
One Arm Swings - 32kg
x10/ minute
8 minutes
Brandon Hofer is a personal trainer, yoga practitioner, and kettlebell enthusiast. Currently he is preparing for the StrongFirst Level 2 Instructor Certification, and you can follow his journal here to see how he's getting ready.
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