Click my Body Parts for the Best Exercises

Click my Body Parts for the Best Exercises

Click On The Exercise Equipment To Find The Best Exercises

How to Use Ask The Trainer Exercise Information
The above anatomy chart is the gateway to all the informational articles about resistance training exercise. By clicking on any body part you will be taken to the page with the muscle group’s exercise information. You can return to this page at any time by clicking on the icon on the left navbar. In addition to clicking on the body part, you can click on any of the exercise equipment to learn about exercising with them.
When you get to an exercise information page you first find some general information about resistance training for the body part/muscle group. You will then find the important information regarding the anatomy involved with exercising that body part. The anatomy information includes relevant references to the muscles involved as well as the joints, potential contraindications and more.
Finally after all the initial information you will find descriptions of the best and most relevant exercises for that body part or piece of equipment along with free exercise videos of a client being trained and instructed by a certified personal trainer. Each exercise video is accompanied by a step-by-step instruction guide to performing the exercise properly.
Step-by-Step Exercise Instruction Guide
Start: The optimal place and position to be before starting the exercise as well as the orientation in which to put your body to start the exercise. Putting yourself in the proper and optimal position before you start any exercise is a big part of performing proper exercise form.
Begin the motion: Instructions how to properly perform each rep of the exercise starting with the transition from the static start position to the initial movement. This section includes the bulk of the important exercise form tips about the motion of each exercise. You will find information not limited to where to position your body parts, how to breath properly and the tempo at which to perform the movement.
Modifications: Ways you can modify each exercise to either mold them to better suit your body type or make them progressively more difficult. This section will detail the most natural progressions for the beginner to advanced exerciser.
Exercise Information for Men & Women
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