In this video taken from a Functional Range Release (F.R.)®Seminar in Toronto, we briefly address the concept of scapular mobility vs. “stability.”
Now…I have discussed this topic on this blog in the past, but I really can’t stress it enough – THERE IS SELDOM A SITUATION IN LIFE WHEN THE SCAPULA NEED TO REMAIN STATIONARY. Try accomplishing any activity with the scapula in a set position…I can assure you that it is very difficult. Do to this fact, I find it more than strange that most rehab and/or conditioning programs seldom encourage deviation from the ‘set’ position during training.
Those who have taken their FRC certification can attest to to depth of information that is presented at the seminars regarding SPECIFIC scapular control training…in this video I discuss some of the theoretical points, and then finish with a demo exercise from the FunctionalRangeConditioning.com exercise compendium – Large Circle End-Range Scapular Rotations – a truly FUNCTIONAL challenge/exercise for scapular control.
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