Want kettlebell exercises? Here you go…Our favourite kettlebell exercises all in one place. Value? Priceless…
Full Body Ballistics | ||
Pulling | Pushing | Combination Lifts |
Two-Handed Swing | One Arm Jerk | Clean and Jerk |
Double Kettlebell Swing | Double Kettlebell Jerk | |
Single Arm Swing | ||
Hand-to-Hand Swing | ||
Clean | ||
Double Clean | ||
Bottoms-Up Clean | ||
Snatch | ||
One Arm Split Snatch | ||
| ||
Upper Body | ||
Vertical Push | Horizontal Push | Horizontal Pull |
Single Military Press | Two-Handed Floor Press | One Arm Row |
Double Military Press | Guard Attack | Double Row |
Seesaw Press | Single Floor Press | Renegade Rows |
Bottoms-Up Press | ||
Bent Press | ||
Lower Body
| ||
Hip Dominant | Knee Dominant – Squats | Lunges |
One-Legged Dead Lift – Single | Single Front Squat | Lunge |
One-Legged Dead Lift – Double | Double Front Squat | Double Overhead Lunge |
Box Squat | ||
Deck Squat | ||
Core/Abdominals | ||
Between-The-Leg Pass | ||
Get-Up Sit-Up | ||
Rolling Sit-Up | ||
Mixed Movement Groups | ||
Low Windmill | ||
Windmill High | ||
Windmill Double | ||
Windmill Chest Opener | ||
Turkish Get-Up Lunge | ||
Turkish Get-Up Squat | ||
Arm Bar |
The Two-Handed Swing:

Body parts targeted:
Legs, back, core, shoulders
Stand with feet shoulder width apart, with the kettlebell between your feet. Carefully squat down to pick up the kettlebell, coming back to standing holding the kettlebell with arms extended. Keeping your eyes forward throughout the movement, swing the kettlebell back between your legs as you come down into a partial squat. Then, snap the hips forward by contracting the glutes and quads. The force generated by this hip snapping movement will drive the kettlebell back up; the kettlebell is not lifted by the arms. Breathe in just before the kettlebellswings back between your legs and breathe out as the kettlebell is swinging up.
Valuable Points:
Ensure you keep your back in the correct position, keeping your eyes forward will help with this. Your lower back should not bend forward. Do not try to lift the kettlebell, you are using the power generated by snapping your hips forward to swing the kettlebell.
Double Kettlebell Swing – Diagonal:
Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Pick up two kettlebells and stand with feet wide enough to allow both kettlebellsto swing through simultaneously. Hold handles parallel to your body with an overhand grip. The rest of the movement is similar to the two hand kettlebellswing: keeping your eyes forward throughout the movement, swing the kettlebellsback between your legs as you come down into a partial squat. Then, snap the hips forward by contracting the glutes and quads. The force generated by this hip snapping movement will drive the kettlebells back up; the kettlebells are not lifted by the arms. Breathe in just before the kettlebells swing back between your legs and breathe out as the kettlebells are swinging up.
Valuable Points:
As with any other swing, ensure your lower back doesn’t bend forward. If you are using larger bells you may have to have quite a wide stance.
Single Arm Swing

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Pick up your Kettlebell and stand with feet wide enough to allow the kettlebell to swing through. Hold handle parallel to your body with an overhand grip. The rest of the movement is similar to the two hand kettlebell swing: keeping your eyes forward throughout the movement, swing the kettlebells back between your legs as you come down into a partial squat. Then, snap the hips forward by contracting the glutes and quads. The force generated by this hip snapping movement will drive the kettlebells back up; the kettlebells are not lifted by the arms. Breathe in just before the kettlebells swing back between your legs and breathe out as the kettlebells are swinging up.
Valuable Points:
Ensure you keep your back in the correct position, keeping your eyes forward will help with this. There should be no bending forward of the lower back. Do not try to lift the kettlebell, you are using the power generated by snapping your hips forward to swing the kettlebell.
Hand-to-Hand Swing

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and carefully squat down to pick up the kettlebell with one hand, coming back to standing holding the kettlebell with arm extended. Keeping your eyes forward throughout the movement, swing the kettlebell back between your legs as you come down into a partial squat. Then, snap the hips forward by contracting the glutes and quads. The force generated by this hip snapping movement will drive the kettlebell back up; the kettlebell is not lifted by the arm. As it reaches its peak swap hands by placing your hand over the top of the knuckles on the swinging hand and release the bell into your other hand. Breathe in just before the kettlebell swings back between your legs and breathe out as the kettlebell is swinging up.
Valuable Points:
Follow all guidelines of the 2 handed swing, remember to keep your shoulders level throughout. Start swapping hands safely, then as your skill increases try for some ‘air’ between the passes.
The Kettlebell Clean:

Body parts targeted:
Hips, legs, arms and lower back.
The kettlebell is swung between your legs and then propelled forward by the power in the hips. The kettlebell is then rolled over to rest against the forearm. You can absorb the impact by tightening up and dipping the knees. The final step is to repeat the process by dropping the kettlebell between your feet and absorbing the shock with your hamstrings – not your back or arm!
Valuable Points:
Power is produced by snapping the hips – do not muscle up the bell with your biceps! Keep your wrist flat – imagine that the wrist is an extension of your forearm – no bending allowed. Avoid leaning back.
Double Clean:

Body parts targeted:
Shoulders, arms, abdominals and legs
Pick up two kettlebells and stand up. Position your feet wide enough so both kettlebells will be able to swing through simultaneously. Swing both kettlebellsback and then drive them forward with hip extension. When the kettlebells reach about a 30 degree angle from your body, pull them up and let them roll over your forearms so they come to rest in rack position. Ensure that as you pull the kettlebells up your elbows stay close to your sides. Your hand should meet in the middle of your chest in the rack position.
Valuable Points:
As you clean the kettlebells up keep your grip relaxed so that the kettlebell rolls easily around your wrist. As you bring the kettlebells back down to the start position, try to catch them in your fingers (so the handles skip over your palms) to avoid tearing calluses, particularly with high repetitions. To rest in the rack position, bring your hips forward, relax your shoulders down, look straight ahead, rest your elbows on your hips and if you like you can interlock your fingers.
The Bottom-Up Clean:

Body parts targeted:
Core, shoulders, grip
Pick up the kettlebell and turn your hand so that your palm is facing inwards and the handle runs longways, pointing in front of you. Swing the kettlebell back between your legs, bending at the knees and hips and keeping your eyes focused on a point straight in front of you. Swing the kettlebell back through your legs in front of you. As the kettlebell starts swinging up, crush the handle and bend your elbow so that the handle stays pointing in the same direction as the start position, but the body of the kettlebell rotates over the top and into the upside down position. Make sure you keep your elbow in close to your side. Hold the kettlebellin the upside down position for a moment, then swing it back down to the start position.
Valuable Points:
The kettlebell should stay in a straight line as you swing it through into the bottoms up clean. To make sure the kettlebell swings like this, keep your elbow in close to your side and keep your forearm straight as you bend your elbow to clean the kettlebell up. Crushing the handle will help you keep the kettlebell steady and balance it in the upside down position.

Body parts targeted:
Legs, hips, lower and upper back, shoulders and grip
Swing the kettlebell back between your legs and then power the bell forward by snapping the hips. The bell is kept close to the body and once it reaches hip height you forcefully pull back with your shoulder. This motion will cause the bell to rotate around the hand and come to rest on the forearm. Finally, reach for the sky and lockout the arm.
Valuable Points:
Keep your lower back arched and ensure the wrist remains in a neutral position. No bending! Also ensure the kettlebell remains in the mid-line of the body to guarantee efficiency of motion.
One Arm Split Snatch

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Begin by swinging the kettlebell back between your legs as you would with a normal snatch. As the kettlebell swings forwards past your knees, start to extend the knees and hips in order to get the kettlebell’s trajectory moving upwards. However, don’t fully extend the knees and hips as you would in a snatch, instead, as the kettlebell passes head height jump underneath it in a lunge (this should be a quick and explosive movement). At the same time as you’re jumping under the kettlebell, punch up to the sky aggressively as you would in a normal snatch so that your forearm meets the kettlebell (rather than the kettlebell flipping over and banging your forearm) and you stop the kettlebell quickly with your arm locked out overhead.
Valuable Points:
This should be a very quick and explosive movement and you should be jumping under the kettlebell, rather than pushing it overhead. You should master the snatch and overhead lunge before attempting this exercise.
One Arm Jerk:

Body parts targeted:
Legs, arms, shoulders, respiratory muscles
There are four phases to the jerk:Dip: Drop into a quarter squat, ensuring the knees are projected over the toes. Then, stop the motion quickly to absorb and store energy for the…Drive: Dynamically reverse the motion and drive the kettlebell towards the sky. Ensure the elbow stays close and the kettlebell goes straight up – don’t waste energy and time by going to the side or moving in an arc. You’re now ready for the…Catch: While the bell is still upward bound, drop into a second dip and get under the weight. Lock out the arm and then stand up straight.Lower: Let the kettlebell free fall into the rack position. Absorb the impact by letting out some air and performing another knee dip.
Valuable Points:
This is often the most difficult move to master. The idea is to incorporate a second jerk on the way up so you don’t have to muscle up the kettlebell but rather get under the bell and stand up. You don’t want to press the kettlebell to the lockout position – this causes premature fatigue and isn’t efficient use of motion.
Double Kettlebell Jerk

Body parts targeted:
Legs, Arms, shoulders
There are four phases to the jerk: Dip: Drop into a quarter squat, ensuring the knees are projected over the toes. Then, stop the motion quickly to absorb and store energy for the… Drive: Dynamically reverse the motion and drive the kettlebell towards the sky. Ensure the elbow stays close and the ketlebell goes straight up – don’t waste energy and time by going to the side or moving in an arc. You’re now ready for the… Catch: While the bell is still upward bound, drop into a second dip and get under the weight. Lock out the arm and then stand up straight. Lower: Let the kettlebell free fall into the rack position. Absorb the impact by letting out some air and performing another knee dip.
Valuable Points:
Position the Kettlebell’s handle at the base of the palm before jerking it. The second dip should be performed explosively. Deliberately pull, or drop underneath the weight explosively into the lockout position. There should be no pressing out the Kettlebell.
Kettlebell Clean and Jerk

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Pick up two kettlebells and stand up. Position your feet wide enough so both kettlebells will be able to swing through simultaneously. Swing both kettlebellsback and then drive them forward with hip extension. When the kettlebells reach about a 30 degree angle from your body, pull them up and let them roll over your forearms so they come to rest in rack position. Ensure that as you pull the kettlebells up your elbows stay close to your sides. Your hand should meet in the middle of your chest in rack position. There are four phases to the jerk: Dip: Drop into a quarter squat, ensuring the knees are projected over the toes. Then, stop the motion quickly to absorb and store energy for the… Drive: Dynamically reverse the motion and drive the kettlebell towards the sky. Ensure the elbow stays close and the kettlebell goes straight up – don’t waste energy and time by going to the side or moving in an arc. You’re now ready for the… Catch: While the bell is still upward bound, drop into a second dip and get under the weight. Lock out the arm and then stand up straight. Lower: Let the kettlebell free fall into the rack position. Absorb the impact by letting out some air and performing another knee dip.
Valuable Points:
With the double clean and jerk ensure both arms are in the correct lock out position overhead. You can rest in the rack position or the overhead position. With both the clean and jerk keep your elbows in close to your sides, keeping the movement streamlined and efficient.
Single Military Press

Body parts targeted:
Core, Shoulders, Arms, Upper Back
Clean kettlebell to shoulder, pulling your elbow towards your hip squeezing your lat. Tense your whole body with an intense abdominal, glute and thigh contraction. Squeeze the kettlebell as you press it keeping your wrist tight and neutral. As it passes your eyes, start to lean through with your chest, completing the lockout with your bicep next to your ear. Actively ‘pull’ the bell back to your chest.
Valuable Points:
When you are exerting yourself, always pull up your pelvis floor. Keep your abdomen pressurised until you lock out the Kettlebell overhead.
Double Military Press:

Body parts targeted:
Shoulders, core, arms and chest
Clean both kettlebells into the rack position. Pull your elbows into your hips, activating your lats. Tense your whole body, particularly your abdominals, glutesand thighs. Press the kettlebells up, ensuring you keep your body tense. Grip the kettlebell tightly while pressing and keep your wrist in a neutral position. Your shoulders should stay down as you press, don’t let them come up into a shrug. The kettlebells should be pressed into full overhead lock out position, with your arms completely extended and biceps in close to your ears. Breathe out a bit at the top of the movement before taking in a small breath and tensing to lower the kettlebells slowly back to rack position. As you lower, pull your lat down to keep the movement controlled and stabilise the shoulder.
Valuable Points:
Keep your spine in neutral position while performing double military presses and ensure you protect your back by keeping your body tense throughout the movement.
Seesaw Press

Body parts targeted:
Core, Shoulders, Arms, Chest, Back
Clean both kettlebells into the rack position, then press your non-dominant hand into the overhead lockout position.Tighten your whole body with an intense abdominal, glute and thigh contraction. Slightly turn torso so that the racked kettlebell arm is centered to the navel and head is turned up so you are now looking at the overhead kettlebell.Simultaneously initiate the lowering of the overhead bell, while commencing the press of the bell in the rack position. As you complete this transition, square shoulders to the front. Continue to press and lower both bells while turning torso in to the starting posture but now you are facing the opposite hand in the overhead position whilst the other is now racked.
Valuable Points:
To maximise your presses, ensure both bells are racked directly across the sweet spot/ tricep trigger reflex, as this will allow a greater activation of the tricep.There is a certain rhythm to the breathing in the execution of this exercise, it is best to exhale on the press and inhale before starting to press with the opposite hand.Maintain a straight back and a strong level of tension through the abdominals.
Bottoms-Up Press:

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
To start, either do a bottoms up clean or do a normal clean and then turn the kettlebell upside down using your other hand. You will need to grip the handle of the kettlebell very tightly in order to keep it balanced. Make sure your wrist is straight and the weight of the bell is loaded on the hell of your hand. Squeeze your elbow into your side and activate your lats. Tense your body, particularly your glutes and core. Keeping your eyes on the kettlebell and crushing the handle, press the bell straight up. Make sure your back remains straight throughout the movement, don’t lean back. Extend your arm to full lockout, then slowly lower the bell back down to the starting position.
Valuable Points:
The bottoms up press requires a lot of skill and concentration to keep the kettlebell balanced in the upside down position. Keeping your eyes focused on the kettlebell and keeping your whole body tense, in particular crushing the handle of the kettlebell, will help enormously with this lift. As will a lot of practice! Start out with a light kettlebell to train your balance, before moving on to the heavier kettlebells.
The Bent Press:

Body parts targeted:
Back, arms, legs and abdominals
Start by cleaning the kettlebell into rack position. Step forward with the opposite foot from the lifting side. Position your feet shoulder width apart and turn the foot on the lifting side in slightly. Push the hip on the lifting side right out and keep that leg locked, while the leg on the non-lifting side should be slightly bent and the foot pointing straight forward (parallel to the foot on the lifting side). Position your forearm vertically and to the side of your ribcage; turn the non-lifting shoulder away in order to do this. Keeping your eyes on the kettlebell throughout the movement, slowly lean forward and lower your body away from the kettlebell. As you lean down, your arm should straighten naturally (don’t try to straighten it by pressing upwards). Make sure you engage your lat on the lifting side to stabilise the shoulder joint. Once your arm is straight, bend both legs (remember to keep your eyes on the kettlebell as you do this) and come down into overhead squat position. Finally, keeping your lifting arm vertical and locked out, stand up being sure to engage your glutes and core, and press your weight through your heels. Lower the kettlebell back into rack position.
Valuable Points:
The bent press is one of the most technical kettlebell lifts and great care must be taken when performing it. Ensure you keep your eyes on the kettlebell at all times, if your eyes drift away the kettlebell will too. Ensure you perform the movement in a slow and very controlled fashion.
The Two-Handed Floor Press:

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders, chest
Lie supine on the ground with a kettlebell either side of you, close to your shoulders. Roll onto one side, lifting one kettlebell up and hugging it close to your chest while supporting it with the other hand. Post the second kettlebell up with your other arm. Retract your shoulder blades and bring your elbows in towards your ribs so your upper arm is pointing away from your body on roughly a 45 degree angle. Elbows should be bent to 90 degrees. Push yourself away from the kettlebells, ensuring your forearms stay vertical throughout the movement, until your arms are locked out above your chest. Lower the kettlebells slowly back to the start position. On completing the set, drop the kettlebells down instead of lowering them slowly.
Valuable Points:
Keep your quads, glutes and abdominals tight throughout the movement. Keep the kettlebells in line with the midline of your chest throughout the movement. Maintain a crushing grip to keep the kettlebell stable as you press.
The Guard Attack

Body parts targeted:
Arms, shoulders, core
Lie flat on the floor between 2 Kettlebells with knees bent and heels flat on the ground. Pick both bells up to your chest keeping a neutral wrist position. Roll onto one hip and press the opposite Kettlebell up above your extended shoulder. Control the bell back to your chest and use the momentum of rolling onto your other hip to press the opposite Kettlebell. Alternate.
Valuable Points:
Keep knees bent and use momentum to continue to press each bell. Aim to press bell directly upward not off to one side or you’ll lose balance.
Single Floor Press

Body parts targeted:
Chest, shoulders, arms, abdominals
Lie supine on the ground with a kettlebell on one side of you, close to your shoulders. Roll onto one side, lifting one kettlebell up and hugging it close to your chest while supporting it with the other hand. Roll back and press bell to the sky. Retract your shoulder blades and bring your elbow in towards your ribs so your upper arm is pointing away from your body on roughly a 45 degree angle. Elbows should be bent to 90 degrees. Push yourself away from the kettlebells, ensuring your forearm stays vertical throughout the movement, until your arm is locked out above your chest. Lower the kettlebell slowly back to the start position. On completing the set, drop the kettlebells down instead of lowering them slowly.
Valuable Points:
Keep whole body tight. Crush grip throughout lift.
One Arm Row:

Body parts targeted:
Sides of upper back, middle back, rear shoulder, front of upper arm
Place kettlebell on the inside of non lifting foot. Step back with opp foot (lifting side) and place non lifting arm on knee keeping natural arch in lower back. Squeeze the handle of the kettlebell hard and perform lift by squeezing shoulder blades and flexing your bicep. Draw the bell back and up towards your hip (lifting side) pause and lower back towards your foot.
Valuable Points:
Concentrate on pulling with your shoulder blade, avoid excessive rounding of your back.
Double Row:

Body parts targeted:
Back, core, shoulders
Pick up a kettlebell in each hand. Bend your knees slightly, then bend forward at the hips getting your back reasonably close to horizontal (your arms should be hanging vertically). If you have tight hamstrings, you may need to bend your knees more to get your back into the correct position. Make sure your lower back retains it’s natural curve (slightly arched). Also make sure your neck is aligned with the rest of your spine, this means looking out on about a 45 degree angle. Keep your abdominals tight. Pull the kettlebells up by retracting your shoulder blades and squeezing all of the muscles in your upper back together as well as your lats, then flexing your elbows. Keep your elbows in close to your sides throughout the movement. Also be sure to keep your shoulders down, don’t let them move into a shrug. Lower the bells slowly back to the start position.
Valuable Points:
Make sure you don’t swing the kettlebell, concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together to ensure you’re using the correct muscles to lift.
Renegade Rows:

Body parts targeted:
Upper back, middle back, biceps, abdominals, chest
Place kettlebells on floor shoulder width apart and assume a push up position holding onto the kettlebell handles. Tighten up your entire body and push forcefully down into one of the kettlebell handles and pull up with the opposite hand, drawing the bell back and up towards your hip. Pause for a second and return to starting position and alternate
Valuable Points:
Perform only on a flat solid surface. Keep your feet spread apart for stability. Stay tight for the whole movement
One-Legged Dead Lift – Single

Body parts targeted:
Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower back, core, grip
Place Kettlebell at your toe of the standing leg. Maintaining your balance, inhale, open your chest, keeping your weight on your heel. Focusing eyes forward, maintain the natural arch in your back and fold at the hips, reaching down towards the bell. Grab handle with both hands and drive your hips through standing up whilst squeezing your hips. Exhale at the top.
Valuable Points:
Keep your head and belly button in line with the grounded foot.
One-Legged Dead Lift – Double
Body parts targeted:
Hamstrings, Glutes, lower back, core and grip
Place both kettlebells at your feet, standing with 1 foot in between the bells. Balancing on one leg, inhale open your chest, keeping your weight on your heel. Focusing eyes forward, maintain the natural arch in your back and fold at the hips, reaching down towards the bells. Grab both handles and drive your hips through standing up whilst squeezing your hips. Exhale at the top.
Valuable Points:
Keep your head and belly button in line with the grounded foot.
The Box Squat:

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Hold the kettlebell by the horns (the sides of the handle) at chest height. Stand about 20cm in front of a step or box, feet shoulder width apart and pointing out slightly. Keep your eyes fixed on a point straight in front of you. Ensuring you’re loading your weight into your heels and keeping your abdominals tight, bend at the hips and knees, concentrating on actively pulling your butt backwards in the direction of the box. Your back should retain it’s natural curve (slightly arched) throughout the movement. Gently lower your butt onto the box, keeping your weight in your heels. Be careful not to hit the box hard, you want to keep the movement very controlled. Pushing through your heels, stand back up.
Valuable Points:
Keep your shins as close to vertical as possible throughout the movement. Make sure your knees are tracking directly over your feet. Keeping your eyes focused on a point straight ahead will help keep your chest up, which will help keep your lower back in the correct position.
The Deck Squat:

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Begin in standing position, feet hip width apart, holding a kettlebell by the horns at chest height. Gently, but fluidly, come down into a full squat and roll onto your back. In a continuous motion, roll back onto your shoulders and then forward again using momentum and the weight of the kettlebell to bring you back up onto your feet, into squat position again. Stand up with full hip extension.
Valuable Points:
Make sure your feet remain hip width apart, pointed forward and your knees are aligned correctly over your feet – it is common to see people’s knees buckle in when performing deck squats. This exercise can also be performed without a kettlebell as a warm up that is excellent for loosening the hip flexors.
Single Front Squat

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Pick up and clean kettlebell into the rack position. Stand feet shoulder width apart with toes slightly pointed outward keeping legs and hips locked. Actively pull your butt back and down into a deep squat ensuring your shins stay relatively vertical and your knees track inline with your feet. Descend deep in to the squat until the crease in your hip is level with your knee. Actively drive yourself out of the hole (bottom position) by forcefully driving your heels into the floor and ascend back to the start position, squeezing your glutes and quads.
Valuable Points:
Develop tension before beginning the movement (locking out legs/hips) and actively use your hip flexors to pull yourself down into the squat (this will also provide support to the lumbar spine). Remember to squeeze your butt hard as you drive out of the hole to develop power in the hips.
Double Front Squat

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Pick up and clean two kettlebells into the rack position. Stand feet shoulder width apart with toes slightly pointed outward keeping legs and hips locked. Actively pull your butt back and down into a deep squat, ensuring your shins stay relatively vertical and your knees track inline with your feet. Descend deep into the squat until the crease in your hip is level with your knee. Actively drive yourself out of the hole (bottom position) by forcefully driving your heels into the floor and ascend back to the start position, squeezing your glutes and quads.
Valuable Points:
Develop tension before beginning the movement (locking out legs/hips) and actively use your hip flexors to pull yourself down into the squat (this will also provide support to the lumbar spine). Remember to squeeze your butt hard as you drive out of the hole to develop power in the hips.
The Lunge

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Step forward with a slightly larger than normal step.Plant front foot firmly on the ground so that the heel remains in contact throughout the whole movement.Sink into a deep lunge position so that the back knee almost touches the groundYour front knee should remain above the ankle at all times and should not project over the toes.Push firmly through the front foot heel and drive back to the start position.
Valuable Points:
Keep eyes focused on a point in front of youKeep chest up and back straight
Double Overhead Lunge
Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Clean and press 2 Kettlebells into overhead lockout position. Step backward with a slightly larger than normal step. Keep the front foot firmly on the ground so that the heel remains in contact throughout the whole movement. Sink into a deep lunge position so that the back knee almost touches the ground. Your front knee should remain above the ankle at all times and should translate forward over toes. Push firmly through front heel and drive back to start position.
Valuable Points:
Keep eyes focused on a point in front of you. Keep chest up and back straight. Feet should always remain in line with the shoulders.
Between-the-Legs Pass:

Body parts targeted:
Legs, core, shoulders
Fold at the hips making sure your lower back does not flex and your abdominalsare tight. Pass the kettlebell in a figure of 8 between your legs, exchanging hands between your legs. Stand up after each hand pass, actively exhaling as you stand up.
Valuable Points:
Keep your weight in your heels so as not to overbalance. Be careful to keep your abdominals tight and avoid any bending forward of the lower back. Make sure you have plenty of space around you!
Get-Up Sit-Up

Body parts targeted:
Abdominals, shoulders
Lie flat on the ground and use both hands to lift the kettlebell off the ground. Press the kettlebell directly over your shoulder keeping your shoulder down. Keeping your eye on the kettlebell, lock you elbow and pull yourself up using your abdominals. Reverse the movement by keeping the tension in your abdominals and glutes and lower yourself to the ground.
Valuable Points:
Focus on keeping your elbow locked out at all times, keep your eyes on the bell at all times and your shoulder and your hip aligned with the bell. Get someone to hold your legs or anchor your feet initially for perfecting technique.
Rolling Sit-Up

Body parts targeted:
Abdominals, Triceps, Shoulders and Hip flexors
Start in a seated posture with both legs straight out in front of the body.(Feet secured by a partner or appropriate anchor point.) Position kettlebell behind your head resting the body of the bell on the flat of your back.Focusing eyes forward, inhale and strongly contract abdominals, back and quadricep muscles, slowly lean to one side and proceed to lean away from legs in a circular motion, sweeping around to the opposite side.(Maintain no more than a 30degree lean from your upright sitting position for spine safety.)Once you return to your original seated position exhale but maintain a certain level of tension in your abdomen. Then inhale and repeat the action in the opposite direction.
Valuable Points:
Maintain natural curvature of your spine throughout the entire movement. Do not flex spine into a forward crunch when in the seated position.Ensure you brace through your shoulders so that the kettlebell is securely in place and remain comrtably across the flat of your back.
Low Windmill

Body parts targeted:
Abdominals, Obliques, back, hips, shoulder
Position your kettlebell on the instep of your foot turning you feet out about 30 degrees. Raise your opposite arm above your head and fix your eyes on your hand above. Slowly bend at the hips keeping most of your weight on the heel of the foot under the raised arm and continue to move your hip backwards and to the side. Lower yourself towards the ground and once you have reached the kettlebell at your foot, drive through your hips and stand back up squeezing your glutes.
Valuable Points:
Perform windmill with great control.
The Windmill High

Body parts targeted:
Abdominals, Obliques, back, hips, shoulder
Clean and Press kettlebell to overhead position. turn you feet out about 30 degrees away from loaded arm. Fix your eyes on your hand above. Slowly bend at the hips keeping most of your weight on the heel of the foot under the raised arm and continue to move your hip backwards and to the side. Lower yourself towards the ground and once you have reached your limit, drive through your hips and stand back up squeezing your glutes.
Valuable Points:
The Windmill Double

Body parts targeted:
Abdominals, Obliques, back, hips, shoulders
Clean and press kettlebell as well as positioning your second kettlebell on the instep of your foot turning you feet out about 30 degrees. Fix your eyes on your kettlebell above. Slowly bend at the hips keeping most of your weight on the heel of the foot under the raised arm and continue to move your hip backwards and to the side. Lower yourself towards the ground and once you have reached the kettlebell at your foot, drive through your hips and stand back up squeezing your glutes.
Valuable Points:
The Windmill Chest Opener

Body parts targeted:
Abdominals, Obliques, back, hips, shoulder, chest
Clean and press kettlebell into the overhead position, turning you feet out about 30 degrees. Fix your eyes on your kettlebell above. Place your opposite arm behind your back and slowly bend at the hips keeping most of your weight on the heel of the foot under the raised arm and continue to move your hip backwards and to the side.Rotate you upper body around as much as possible as you lower yourself towards the ground. Once you have reached your limit, drive through your hips and stand back up squeezing your glutes.
Valuable Points:
Turkish Get-Up Lunge

Body parts targeted:
Legs, Hips, Core, Shoulders
Lie on your back and press the kettlebell above your chest. Bend your knee on the weighted side placing your foot close to your butt and your opp arm out to the side to brace against the floor.Punch the kettlebell skywards by pushing your foot (weighted side) and elbow (opposite side) into the ground and sitting up in a diagonal fashion.Come up onto your hand and raise your hip into the air, sliding your extended leg underneath and placing your knee under your hip. Get into a low lunge position and stand up. Reverse the movement.
Valuable Points:
Keep your eyes on the kettlebell at all times. Keep your arm locked out at all times and punch the sky.
Turkish Get-Up Squat

Body parts targeted:
Legs, Hips, core, shoulders
Lie on your back and press the Kettlebell above your chest. Bend your knee on the weighted side placing your foot close to your butt and your opp arm out to the side to brace against the floor.Punch the Kettlebell skywards by pushing your foot (weighted side) and elbow (opposite side) into the ground and sitting up in a diagonal fashion. Come up onto your hand and raise your hip into the air, sliding your extended foot in to your bent knee and assuming an overhead squat position. Stand up. Reverse the movement.
Valuable Points:
Keep your eyes on the bell. Find the right position before attempting to stand up.
Arm Bar:

Body parts targeted:
Shoulders, core, hips
Lie on back holding a kettlebell above your chest. With the same leg as lifting side, bend and roll your knee across your body, keeping arm straight up to the sky. Keep rolling across as far as your shoulder will allow, your aim being to get onto your stomach. Pause and return to starting position
Valuable Points:
Perform slowly and in control. keep your eyas on the bell above. your opposite arm needs to be out behind your head.
If you’d like to learn more about kettlebell training, education or our products please visit our Iron Edge website.
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