Meghan Rovig
Five rounds of 15 push press, 10 burpees, 10 box jumps. 3, 2, 1 - go! It’s round three and the inability for my body to do exactly what my coach just asked me to do is now rearing its ugly head. My push press has graduated into a push jerk or the jerk’s weird cousin, which isn’t really a lift at all. It’s more of a movement of weight in a somewhat superior direction. My burpees have turned into falling flat on my face and slowly worming myself to an upright position. And the box jumps? They have become step-ups because my arms can no longer propel myself forward. Whatever, I Rx’d the shit out of this WOD. Nevermind I don’t know how I’m going to get my shirt off once I get home.
Sound familiar? This is a common theme among my athletes with chronic shoulder dysfunction. Physical therapy isn’t about fixing things. It’s about teaching people to move their stuff the way it was designed, efficiently, and with mechanical integrity. In a workout like the one above, shoulder and thoracic positioning are key. A five-round triplet like this, in theory, should take less than ten minutes with the correct weight, box jump height, and burpee scaling (yes, you can scale burpees). How often do our athletes scale appropriately? Ego is huge in CrossFit. Just ask me, I have one too.

The same holds true for the burpee. Burpees, more commonly used for punishment and responsible for rapid increases in heart rates, are often performed in the same crummy posture as overhead movements. Again, if you hit the deck with a collapsed thoracic spine, forward shoulders, and a crunched up neck, you’re going to have a bad time.
There are eighteen muscles alone that attach to the scapula. They have to work together at specific ranges of motion to control the scapula on the thoracic spine and subsequently place the shoulder joint in optimal mechanics. The muscles most often over-recruited in CrossFit are the pectoralis major and minor, upper trapezius, and deltoids. Left to their own devices, the lower trapezius, serratus anterior, and rhomboids forget their duty.

As the arm raises overhead, the scapula has to rotate upward one degree for every two degrees of humeral motion (different literature will yield a different measurement). If the scapular muscles aren’t getting the correct neurological input, they won’t fire at the right time, resulting in scapular dyskinesia. This decrease in scapular control places the glenohumeral joint at a mechanical disadvantage, and bigger muscles start to compensate for the smaller ones getting no love. Result? Shoulder pain.
Since the shoulder is rather complicated, the culprit of the problem may be difficult to pinpoint:
Biceps tendonitis:
This is usually associated with pain on the anterior shoulder, worst with overhead movement and tenderness to palpation. It can often be diagnosed with manual orthopedic tests and successfully addressed with rest, ice, and corrective strategies to decrease the impingement on the biceps tendon.
Rotator cuff tendonitis:

Labral pathology:
This pathology is generally characterized with repetitive clunking, catching, and popping in the shoulder joint. This may be worsened with overhead movements, kipping, and throwing. Labral issues seldom resolve to pre-injury status with physical therapy, as the tissue is damaged and often remains problematic. Instead of waiting for your labrum to tear, take the appropriate measures to learn to control your rotator cuff and scapular muscles.
If you have any of these symptoms, go find someone who knows what they are doing.You can look for a physical therapist at who specializes in orthopedic or sports physical therapy. You can also seek out a good orthopedist at
In short, if it hurts, and keeps hurting, get it checked out. If you have any of the symptoms described above, get it checked out. These symptoms could result in a much larger problem and more time away from doing what you love.
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