воскресенье, 25 августа 2013 г.

Kettlebell Solution for Size and Strength

You Will Get Bigger and Stronger with the Kettlebell Solution for Size and Strength!

(Photographs courtesy of Michael Neuveux)
Double Military Press: Learn how to maximize tension to acquire a solid foundation to press off of. The Military Press is a full body demonstration of tension rather than simply an exercise for your shoulders. You will learn why you should press two kettlebells like you would press a barbell and how to utilize your entire body to drive the most weight overhead. You will also learn the importance of lowering the kettlebells with your lats and how to incorporate your lats to increase stability and strength. Moreover, I cover effective breathing techniques to increase strength. Think you already know how to do this exercise? Can you press two 88lb bells for reps? If not, then you have a lot to learn and need my DVD.
Double Bent Over Row: Forgot about having a strong upper body without some serious rowing. The Double Bent Over Row is an incredible exercise for your lats and back. Also if you want big guns (admit it you do) then you want to make this exercise your best friend. Learn where to pull the bells to in order to target the lats and how to keep your body stable to avoid cheating.
Double Front Squat: Tired of having tooth pick legs that barely support your upper body? Get going with Double Front Squats to build solid legs. Learn Why this is the best kettlebell exercise for building a strong foundation. How to hold the bells to keep the focus on your legs instead of your shoulders and what to do to build up the reps and keep the set going when your shoulders finally fatigue.
Double Swing: One of the most powerful ballistic moves that you can do with kettlebells to fry your hamstrings and develop tremendous explosive power. How to avoid getting a sore back by developing a virtual belt that every Home Depot employee should know so they can drop the cheesy belts that they walk around in. Moreover, learn what stance to take and how to hold the bells for maximum efficiency
Double Snatch: This is the best ballistic kettlebell drill by far but it is also the most technically demanding kettlebell drill. You cannot use the same form that you use on one-arm snatches. Learn what to do and when to do it to work up to the heavy kettlebells. Why this exercise is more like an Olympic snatch and why getting under the bells is critical. Learn what auxiliary exercises to practice to build up to the Double Snatch. Once you master the auxiliary exercises, the double snatch will no longer evade you.
Turkish Get-up: This exercise is essential for building a strong midsection as well as shoulder flexibility and stability. If your legs are flopping up all over the place then you have tons of room for improvement. Learn how to use your upper body and legs in unison to do this exercise as efficiently as possible. You will be amazed by how heavy you can go when you get the right body pattern down. If you have been frustrated with the Turkish Get-up for a while, then just this section alone is worth the price of the DVD. This is a an amazing core exercise that you do not want to miss out on due to poor technique.
Double Windmill: Take the windmill up a notch by jacking up the intensity big time. This is the ultimate exercise for building strong obliques and stability in the shoulders. The core is critical for developing strength and size through out the entire body. Learn where to place the bells for safety and efficiency and how to breathe for maximum strength.
Double Floor Press: Learn how to push yourself away from the kettlebells and how to use this exercise to build a solid chest rather than a bloated metrosexual chest. Pulling the kettlebells down with the lats is a critical component of this drill, learn why. Also an exceptional triceps builder which will tighten up those flabby arms so you can wear short sleeve shirts again.
In addition to the primary exercises, I cover several secondary exercises that are great for increasing the intensity and using for variety. Here is what is on the DVD:
The Double Sots Press: This is the most intense pressing exercise that you can imagine. Most people have a hard time with one kettlebell which is not anywhere near as difficult as using two kettlebells. Learn how to use the Sot’s press to improve your standing Military press. Learn why you need to be comfortable in the bottom position of the squat to makes this exercise happen. If bigger shoulders is one of your goals, then you will love the Sots Press.
Alternating Military Press: All of the benefits of the one-arm press with all of the time saving benefits of the double military press. Learn why you should pull one kettlebell down with your lat while you press the other one. Great exercise for working on imbalances and working up to a Double Military Press.
Double Lunge: Great alternative to the one-legged squat for working one leg at a time. Another great drill for addressing leg imbalances. The Double Lunge is also a viable alternative to squats for those of you that have injuries or lack flexibility.
Alternating Renegade Row: Work your lats, upper back, and core all in one exercise. When executed properly your pecs will be sorer than any other muscle the next day. Learn why. Also, if you are looking for a killer exercise for the biceps then do not look further.
Double Clean: Without mastering the double clean you will never be a good kettlebell presser or kettlebell squatter. Learn how to do it with maximum efficiency to build confidence for the exercises that follow. Learn why all of the power should be coming from the lower body. The upper body should only be going along for the ride. This is not a cheat curl! Are you banging you your wrists on Double Cleans? You won't be after you get my DVD.
Alternating Floor Press: Work on pressing imbalances and build tremendous triceps strength by knowing wear to position your arms when doing floor presses. Great exercise to work up to Double Floor Presses.
Push Press: Learn how to use the push press to ramp up your Military Press numbers. It is all in the negative! This is also a great full body drill that teaches you how to use your body as one unit. Great drill for athletes, especially combat athletes. Learn where the bells should be placed for maximum strength and why you want to press the bells off of your body.

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