воскресенье, 4 января 2015 г.

Spartan30 Squat Week 2

By Todd M. Cambio

Week 2 Goal: Build off Your Mobility
Phase 2 of Spartan30 was about resetting your classic body weight squat or air squat.  There were several questions about knee pain, so Day 9 (Sit and Stand Squats) addressed that.  The classic squats are still an incredibly valuable tool to build strength and lose body fat, posture and strength.  Go to my FAN page on Facebook, Coach Cambio for all the videos on these squat variations.  I have also recieved a lot of questions on Knee Pain.  If you have knee pain, read THIS: http://www.toddcambio.com/are-squats-bad-for-your-knees/
Day 8: Wall Sit Squat
Wall Sit Squat
Day 9: Sit and Stand (Best place to start if there is knee pain)
Day 9 #Spartan30 #squat Challenge!  Sit and Stand Squat.  3 x 10.  Here is how to reprogram a proper squatting pattern: - find a chair, box, a toilet, etc. that is a comfortable height to start - stand with feet shoulder width apart  - toes slightly turne
Day 10: Air Sqaut
Air Squat
Day 11: Arms Crossed Squat
Day 11: #Spartan30 #squat Challenge!  Was out for a run and thought the waterfall would be a good background for today's squats!  Arms crossed air squats x 30...GO!   #coachcambio #spartanup #spartansgx #spartanrace #spartanracing #spartancoaches #spartan
Day 12: Prisoner Squat
Prisoner Squats
Day 13: Sumo Squat
Day 13: Sumo Squat #Spartan30 #squat Challenge!  This variation is great for working on your inner thigh and hip flexor mobility!  Here are the basics: 1. Start a little wider that shoulder width 2. Turn toes out to about 45 degrees 3. Squat straight down
Day 14 Cossack Squat
Day 14: Cossack Squat x 30 #Spartan30 #squat  Time to move in the lateral plane!  #spartanup #spartansgx #spartanrace #spartanracing #spartanstrong #spartanworkout #Spartantraining #coachcambio

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