вторник, 27 января 2015 г.

Beginner Pilates Exercises

The following beginner Pilates exercises are designed to improve your posture, core stability, flexibility and strength. You should discuss the suitability of these exercises with your physiotherapist prior to beginning them. Generally, they should only be performed provided they do not cause or increase pain. 
Ensure you know how to achieve neutral spine and can correctly activate your stabilising muscles prior to commencing these exercises (see Pilates – Before You Start). Start with the beginner Pilates exercises. Once these are too easy, progress to the intermediate Pilates exercises and then eventually the advanced exercises. 

Beginner Pilates Exercises

The following beginner Pilates exercises should be performed approximately 1 - 3 times per week. As your control improves, the exercises can be progressed by gradually increasing the repetitions, or frequency of the exercises provided they do not cause or increase pain. 

Heel Slides 

Begin this Pilates exercise lying on your back with your hands by your side in neutral spine as demonstrated (figure 1). Maintain activation of your transversus abdominis and pelvic floor muscles throughout the exercise. Slowly straighten one knee and then return to the starting position. Keep your spine and pelvis completely still and breathe normally. Perform 10 times alternating between legs. 
Beginner Pilates Exercises - Heel Slides
Figure 1 – Heel Slides 

Leg Openings 

Begin this Pilates exercise lying on your back with your hands by your side in neutral spine as demonstrated (figure 2). Maintain activation of your transversus abdominis and pelvic floor muscles throughout the exercise. Slowly take one knee to the side and then return to the starting position. Keep your spine and pelvis completely still and breathe normally. Perform 10 times alternating between legs. 
Beginner Pilates Exercises - Leg Openings
Figure 2 – Leg Openings

Leg Lifts 

Begin this Pilates exercise lying on your back with your hands by your side in neutral spine as demonstrated (figure 3). Maintain activation of your transversus abdominis and pelvic floor muscles throughout the exercise. Slowly lift one leg and then return to the starting position. Keep your spine and pelvis completely still and breathe normally. Perform 10 times alternating between legs. 
Pilates Leg Lifts (supine)
Figure 3 – Leg Lifts

Heel Taps 

Begin this Pilates exercise lying on your back in neutral spine with your hands by your side and your hips and knees bent to 90 degrees as demonstrated (figure 4). Maintain activation of your transversus abdominis and pelvic floor muscles throughout the exercise. Slowly lower one leg until your heel touches the ground and then return to the starting position. Keep your spine and pelvis completely still and breathe normally. Perform 10 times alternating between legs. 
Pilates Heel Taps (Supine)
Figure 4 – Heel Taps


Begin this Pilates exercise lying on your back in neutral spine as demonstrated (figure 5). Maintain activation of your transversus abdominis and pelvic floor muscles throughout the exercise. Slowly lift your bottom pushing through your feet, until your knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line and then return to the starting position. Breathe normally. Perform 10 times. 
Beginner Pilates Exercises - Bridging
Figure 5 – Bridging

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