понедельник, 27 января 2014 г.

Introducing the New Bloom to Fit Workout of the Week Series (with Episode 1 Included)

Welcome to the first official Bloom to Fit Workout of the Week episode. 
After much procrastination, deliberation, and (thankfully) feedback, I’m excited to finally bring this baby to life.
The constant requests for new workouts and training routines have finally paid off. So, yeah, go ahead. Give yourselves a nice pat on the back for being so demanding! 
These episodes are going to be somewhat of a fun experiment for a little while until we figure out what works best. And I say we because I’m going to need your help. I’m going to need you to be a big part of this!
My goal for us is to make this a useful resource for everyone and the only way we can make that happen is if we all chip in with feedback. As you try the workouts, experiment with modifications, test your own ideas, etc. I’d love for you to share those things with me through the comment section. Your input will be incredibly useful in making this a success!
After some months, we’re going to have a really nice collection of workouts that we can always go back to for ideas when we’re in need of a good training session.
Now, let’s get into some juicy details.

B2F Workout of the Week FAQ

Let me start by reading your mind for a second and answering some of your hard pressing questions.

When will I get the workouts?

I will hook you up with a new workout once a week, typically Monday mornings. I say typically because I know things get re-prioritized sometimes and I may end up releasing a workout a day late or something. I’m going to try my best to not let this happen, but if it does please don’t hate me!
The release date might change eventually as I get your feedback, but it will be on Mondays for the foreseeable future.
My thinking is that this will give you the entire week to actually do the workout that’s outlined and leave some feedback in the comment section letting me know how it went.

How will I find the workouts?

They’ll be posted on the blog first thing Monday morning.
I will also post a link on my Facebook page (you can become a fan here) and send you an email to remind you of it (you can become a Bloom to Fit Insider here).
Hopefully you won’t miss it!

What kind of workouts are we talking about here?

Great question.
Here’s what I need you to understand.
More often than not, my personal workouts consist of the following components: a warm-up/dynamic stretching component, a strength training component, a metabolic conditioning component, and a cool-down/static stretching component (in that order).
I find that this combination offers the biggest return for time investment.
My entire workout takes me roughly 45-60 minutes to complete. 
Since I know many of you are limited with equipment and time, here’s what I’m proposing: keep the strength component optional. Focus on the warm-up, the metabolic conditioning workout, and the cool-down/stretching component.
This doesn’t mean these workouts won’t help you build strength.
The metabolic conditioning workouts that I’ll be showing are typically short (10-15 minutes max) and require simple tools like your bodyweight, jump ropes, and kettlebells. They’re designed to bring your heart rate up, to stress your muscles in a functional manner, and to help you improve your strength and endurance simultaneously. 
So, to keep things simple and consistent, I won’t include any details about the strength training component of my workout in these posts. I just want you to be aware that I often (not always) do them on top of the workout I’m providing you. I’ll highlight how I structure my strength training component in a separate post for those who are interested and have the resources.

What tools do I need?

As mentioned, I’ll be using simple, functional training tools like jump ropes, kettlebells, and my own bodyweight for the most part. These tools are relatively cheap and you can use them at home or at the gym.

What if the workout is too hard?

I understand that we’re not all at the same fitness level. Some of us have flexibility issues, strength limitations, tool limitations, space issues, etc.
That’s why every workout will offer progressions and regressions. I’m going to show you how to make modifications to make the workout either more challenging or less challenging. 
Don’t feel hesitant to use a regressed version of the workout. Listen to how your body is responding to the workout and make proper adjustments.
Slow and steady wins the race.

Can I get a printed version of the workout?

Yes, of course! But it will cost you.
No, not money! Instead, a simple share of this post with your social circles will give you access to the PDF version of the workout.
At the end of each workout of the week post, you’ll see a box with social media buttons. Use one of those buttons to share the post with your friends and by doing so you’ll unlock the PDF version of the workout that you can then print out and take home or to the gym with you.
See the end of this post for an example.
So that’s as far as my mind reading capabilities go.
If you have other questions about the workouts, please leave them in the comment section below. Remember, I need your feedback to make this work!
Now. Drum roll please…
Allow me to introduce the very first episode of the Bloom to Fit Workout of the Week series.

B2F Workout of the Week Episode 1: The Sumo Combo Workout

Total time estimate to complete the workout: 25 minutes

What You’ll Need:

Here are the training tools you’ll need for this workout:
  • 2 kettlebells (heavier)
  • Jump rope
  • Timer

Before your workout:

It is essential that you do a proper warm-up before you start the workout. This will prep your body for the intense nature of the metabolic workout. Your warm-up should consist of the following
  • A few minutes of light aerobic activity,
  • Corrective stretches (optional),
  • A series of mobility movements.
For details on how to structure a good warm-up, see the Perfect Warm-up Series.

The Workout

This week’s workout is the Sumo Combo Workout.
Here’s what you’re going to do: set your timer for 10 minutes and continuously alternate between the following four exercises:
  • 10 X 2KB sumo deadlift
  • 100 X jump rope sprints
  • 10 x kettlebell swings
  • 50 mountain climbers
Your goal is to complete as many rounds as possible within those 10 minutes of the four exercises listed above. Make sure you are executing each repetition with proper form. Rest as much as you want, but not more than you need.
Here’s what this week’s workout of the week looks like:

After your workout

When your timer is done, you can instantly start your cool-down session.
The last thing you want to do after an intense workout is sit or lay down (i.e. stop moving). A gradual reduction of the heart rate is the safer way to go. This can be accomplished by walking around the room and taking deep breaths or lightly jogging in place. I often just grab my jump rope and skip very lightly for a few minutes.
Once your heart rate is normalized, finish your workout by going through a series of static stretches. You can click here for a list of static stretches you can use.
Important muscles to be stretched for this specific workout: hamstrings, quads, calves, glutes, hip flexors, lower back, shoulders, wrists. 

Progressions and Regressions

There are a number of ways you can make this workout harder or easier, depending on your current fitness level and limitations. 
Here are ways you can make the workout easier:
  • Lower your workout time to 5 minutes. As your fitness improves, work your way up to 10 minutes,
  • Substitute the 2KB sumo deadlift with a 1KB regular deadlift (see exercise #13 in this video),
  • Use lighter kettlebells for the sumo deadlift and/or the swing,
  • Take a 30 second break in between rounds.
Here are ways you can make the workout more challenging:
  • To challenge your strength, use heavier kettlebells for both the sumo deadlifts and kettlebell swings. You can also substitute 2KB swings for the regular swings,
  • To add more of a conditioning element, use a heavy rope instead of a wire rope or substitute 50 double unders for the 100 sprints;
  • Do mountain climbers by bringing your knee to the opposite elbow;
  • If you have the time and want to challenge your endurance, set your timer for 15-20 minutes.

Extra Notes

When I first tried this workout, I found that it was much more of a strength-endurance workout than a pure conditioning workout. It does a great job of engaging the legs, the core, and the upper body. To add a stronger conditioning element to the workout, I’m going to start doing 100 heavy rope single unders instead of 100 jump rope sprints and see how that goes. 
I’ll keep you posted with updates through the comment section below. I encourage you to do the same!

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