четверг, 2 января 2014 г.

A Hamstring Exercise And What I Learned at Denison...

Dead Squat Bar Deadlifts off Mats
Worked up to:
510 + 120 chains x 3 vid

Out of the 3-4 times I have re-injured my back; most of them have been on full ROM deadlifts with a trap bar. I realize the bar is at the same height as a regular barbell but something about the hand positioning just puts my back at a compromising position. So we added mats.

Pit Shark Squats
Worked up to 4 plates with Short Heavy Bands for a bunch. It's been a while since I have used it and Foss never has. Just working on range of motion. With the Pit Shark, you almost want to stand up and push back into the belt. Need to play with this more.

Seated Hamstring Curls
Drop Set:
45x10, 90x10, 45x10

Manual Resistance Eccentric Hamstring Curls
Foss had me do a really good exercise to do. I was prone while Foss sat on me facing away. Combination of double and single leg and it was totally random. What I learned:
1.) My hamstrings are weak
2.) Single leg strength was even weaker. Manual resistance with both legs was much better than one at a time.
3.) Randomizing which leg is contracted improves the proprioceptive qualities (if at all possible).

Foss then had Jordon Houser do some Glute-Ham Bridges and manipulated the the angle of the foot (you can do with the curls) to target one of the 3 heads of the hamstrings more than others. The audio sucks, but you can kind of see what we're doing. The other component is the distance of where your hips are in relation to the chair (or bench). The farther away the more the hamstrings are engaged as opposed to the glutes.

Kettlebell Swings with a Light Band
I really do think this is one of the best exercises athletes can do for the hip hinge and create force via the hips.

I know what you are thinking; how can he do a kettlebell movement if he's not certified? Well, I will save you the $1500. Here's how to swing a kettlebell which I learned from Dan John, Cat Black-Holman, and Derek Fry.

1. Stand in a squat stance with the KB resting on the ground in front of you. You should have your back arched with the knees slightly bent. Grab the kettlebell by the handle

2. Throw the kettlebell through your legs like you are longsnapping a football.

3. Squeeze your butt cheeks and quads. "Pop" your hips. You should be standing tall and throw the KB out in front of you. This will keep you in a better posture and engage your abs. Don't raise the weight with your shoulders.

4. On the second downward swing, try to hit yourself in the nuts as hard as you can. Seriously. And then move out of the way at the last moment. This should look like an RDL (knees slightly bent) like you are peeing with a boner.

5. Repeat step 3

6. Repeat step 4

Now it has been a while since I have done swings and my form is shittay. I will get better.

Using a band will help the lifter "throw" the weight down and force them to use double extension to swing the weight. Overspeed eccentrics.

What I Learned at Denison

My 10th and last year at Denison I started to get it figured out. I finally realized that the best situation and the best you can do in your situation are two different things.

Because of scheduling issues combined with the D3 mentality of our coaches. I ended up having to train 4 off-season teams at once with some in-season teams overlapping. This was an obstacle for sure; but it turned into an opportunity for our interns to get some valuable hands-on coaching experience. We actually got some more prep time before the session. We were able to meet as a staff before this hectic session. Each group of 2-4 coaches were able to present me with the warm-up, movement prep, pre-habilitation, hypertrophy circuits, and conditioning drills for me to approve and provide feedback.

Mostly, we had Men's & Women's Soccer, Volleyball, and Field Hockey all at 430. So here was the plan.

Step 1: Formulate the Movement Patterns
I have gone over this before but basically:
Light 3XT (snatch)
Heavy 3XT (clean)
Double Leg Push
Double Leg Pull
Single Leg Push
Single Leg Pull/ GHR
Horizontal Push
Horizontal Pull
Vertical Push
Vertical Pull

Step 2: Split Movements to 2 days a Week Template

Clean/ Swing
Trap Bar DL/ RDL
SL Sqaut/ Lunge

Keep in mind these 5 movements do not include linear speed, agility, jump training, rotational power, conditioning, etc,

The first 2 steps were standard for all sports but here's where the adjustment came in.

STEP 3: Instead of an Exercise Pool for Each Movement, it's based on Equipment

One of the biggest issues with college weightrooms is most have all of the dumbbells in a certain area of the weightroom and may only have 1-2 sets. If I were to have 4 teams doing the same workout, there would not be enough equipment. Also, teams traveling back and forth from one side of the weightroom to the other wastes time and can cause a safety issue. We basically rotated each group in areas of the weightroom. We had 16 racks on one side and dumbbells and kettlebells on the other so we had 4 workouts:
Barbell 1
Barbell 2

The Barbell 1 and Dumbbell shared the same Dat 1 movements while the Barbell 2 and the Kettlebell shard the Day 2 movements from above.

Barbell 1
Hang Snatch
Box Squat
Military Press
Blast Strap Row

Barbell 2
Hang Clean
Trap Bar DL or Barbell RDL
Bench Press
Lunge or Split Sqaut

1 Arm DB Snatch
1 Arm DB Push Pres
Goblet Squat
1 Arm DB Single Leg RDL
1 Arm DB Row

Goblet or Tactical Lunge
Dead Stop RDL or Single Leg DL
1 Arm KB Row from Floor
KB Push-up Series

These are not perfect templates by any means. But we were able to get our athletes in a situations where they could get the most work done in a minimal amount of time. We would still progress the athletes throughout the cycle.

In a perfect situation, I probably would not organize the training session this way. But, there is a different between writing a magical workout on a piece of paper and training multiple teams simultaneously.

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