Contributor - Nurse Practitioner
Feeling puffy, despite your clean diet? Are your hair and skin dry and brittle? Are your workouts lacking because you’re just too tired to really give it your all? Or do you have the opposite problem - are you jittery and anxious all the time and have problems putting on weight? Or have problems sleeping? Do you experience heart palpitations out of the blue?
If you answered yes to some of these, it might be your thyroid. Specifically, it may be your Free T3. We’ve all heard about hypothyroidism. Usually, it’s in reference to how someone has a “slow metabolism.” Yes, the thyroid hormones control the speed at which processes happen in the body or your metabolism. You can also have the opposite problem of too much thyroid hormone: hyperthyroidism. If your thyroid hormones are out of whack it can affect your energy levels, mood, athletic performance, and body composition, in addition to many other things.

First, our hypothalamus is responsible for sensing the levels of thyroid hormones in the body and releasing thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). TRH stimulates the pituitary gland to produce thryoid stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triodothyronine). T4 is produced in much greater quantity than T3. The ratio is about 17:1. T4 is basically a precursor to T3. Your body must then convert T4 to T3. This conversion happens in several organs and tissues in the body.
Now, you might be wondering what is this “free” T3 business all about. The term “free” is used to represent the amount of T3 that is not bound by things called globulins, which are proteins that carry the thyroid hormones to tissues in the body where they can exert their actions. When T3 is bound up by these globulins the T3 is not available to be used by the body. Essentially, the bound T3 is useless until it is unbound from the carrier protein. For most people, this unbinding does not present a problem. However, should your body not convert enough T4 to T3 or should too much of your T3 become bound by the globulins you probably will end up feeling the effects of low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism. If your body doesn’t bind enough T3 you will experience symptoms of hyperthyroidism, which can be just as frustrating.
Without adequate Free T3 levels, a person may feel fatigued, have mood problems like depression or anxiety, be inappropriately cold, have dry, brittle hair and dry skin, struggle with losing weight, and/or have high cholesterol. The opposite is true of too much T3. Heart palpitations, an inability to gain weight, anxiety, muscle weakness, and insomnia are all symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism. None of that sounds good, so it would be of benefit if you are having any of these symptoms to see your healthcare provider and ask that they check your thyroid levels including a Free T3 levels.

Now, what would cause too much or too little T3 to be bound by protein in the blood?Many things: stress (both physical and mental), overtraining, undereating, diets lacking in certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and nutrients, and certain medications that control blood pressure and seizures. Myriad other things can cause the body to simply not make enough or bind too much T3. Similarly, too much Free T3 can be caused by stress or medications containing estrogen, and sometimes it can be completely idiopathic. (That’s fancy for “We don’t know why this happened.”)
The moral of the story is that if you are experiencing any of the many symptoms normally tied to thyroid function then get it checked out. Even if the test results come back as “fine,” make sure that TSH isn’t the only thing being checked. Free T3 is so important in this equation. Another consideration often overlooked in the world of hormones is that the “normal” ranges are not always representative of where you may feel and look your best. Find a practitioner who is willing to listen to you and pay attention to your symptoms, rather than the lab numbers. This is your athletic performance, your well being, and your overall health we’re talking about.
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