вторник, 10 сентября 2013 г.

Kettlebell basics | The Goblet Squat

Why do it?
Once you have confidence in your body weight squat, the Goblet squat is an excellent progression. With the weight out in front, you will be forced to work the core hard to create the neccessary tension. Also, with the elbows sliding down the inside of the knees it helps to create the correct positioning.
The Goblet Squat feels like a very natural way to squat. You have some counter balance with the weight being held in front of you and you don’t have the burden of a large weight pressing down on your upper back.
How to do it?
  1. Clean a kettlebell to a 2 handed position holding the kettlebell by the horns.
  2. Position your feet approximately shoulder width apart with a moderate toe out position.
  3. Hold the kettlebell as close as possible to your chest This is a squat, don’t make it about your ability to hold the kettlebell in the correct position!
  4. Brace your core and take a deep breath in.
  5. Descend as deep as you can whist maintaining your lower back integrity.
  6. Really focus on squatting between your legs as much as possible by pushing your hips back and sliding your elbows down the inside of your knees prising them apart as you do so.
  7. Hold the breath momentarily before rising back up out of the squat, exhaling on the way back up.
  8. At the top of the movement, tighten your glutes, reset your core and go again.
The Goblet Squat.

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