Your training regime just went rogue. If the gym is The Establishment, Tacfit is fighting the power by mixing T-shirt filling muscle-building with functional performance. Based on the tactical response training used by elite military groups, it works your body from all angles, to stimulate more muscles. And the best bit: it won’t cost you a thing.
“Short for ‘tactical fitness’, Tacfit is based on practical movements,” says coach Raimar Mohrdieck. “You train for 20-30min in high-intensity intervals.” The benefits aren’t just physical, either. The moves are intentionally complicated to test your mind as well as your body, preparing you for elite performance in real-world situations.
So if you want military-grade muscle that’s responsive and powerful, drop your barbell and try this. Do the following three circuits for six weeks (Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ideally) with a day’s rest in between each. If you’d rather stick to your gym routine, try adding one of these sessions on the weekend. Going back to those barbells on Monday will feel a whole lot easier.
The Tacfit fat-loss workout
This bodyweight routine from exercise revolution 'Tacfit' uses functional movements to increase your power and give your metabolism a fat-melting kick-start. Perform each move for 20sec, then rest for 10sec before moving on to the next exercise. Repeat the circuit five times

1. The Kong
Dynamic squat jump; best as warm-up
A Employ guerilla tactics with this animalistic full-body primer. Get into a deep squat with both arms forwards touching the ground in front of you.
B Jump your feet in close to your arms, then return to position A. Keep the movement constant and fluid.
Elite tip: “If you land more on your heels, you’ll hit your core muscles harder,” says Tacfit coach Raimar Mohrdieck.

2. Quad Hop Squat
Press-up from squat; targets legs and core
A This one’s a great fat-burner. Start in a deep squat – keep your heels flat on the ground, if possible.
B Hop your feet back to land in a compressed press-up, knees suspended off the floor. Now tense your body and push up explosively to return to position A.
Elite tip: “Try to keep your elbows facing outwards when in position B for better cus

3. Leg Swoop
Co-ordination exercise; works core and legs
A This will build hip mobility for faster direction changes during those Sunday league games. Start with your arms extended and legs bent, as shown.
B Move your left leg out to the right behind your arms. Now move it back behind you, lifting your right leg so it can pass. Repeat with the other leg.
Elite tip: “Tighten your core as you move your leg back: this makes it easier and hits your lower abs.”

Dynamic lunge; trains core, glutes and legs
A You’ll feel like a ninja performing this move. Place your hands and feet flat with your hips bent at a right angle. Lift your right leg high to form a straight line.
B Bring your leg forwards explosively, placing your foot underneath your shoulders, and extend your arms to the sides like you’re trying to fly. Hold, then repeat to your left.
Elite tip: “If it’s too difficult, leave your hands on the ground and place your leg between them.”
The Tacfit six-pack workout
Following elite military principles from new bodyweight-exercise trend 'Tacfit', these three dynamic core exercises will sculpt you a lean, defined stomach with absolutely no equipment. Perform each move for 20sec with no rest. Repeat the circuit four times

1. Quad Hop
Compact press-up jump; works your upper body
A Crouch down, elbows out and knees off the ground.
B Push up hard with your hands and feet. This is a great strength-builder. And still not a barbell in sight...
Elite tip: “To improve your co-ordination, try doing this exercise with a forward or circular movement."

2. Tripod
Co-ordinated hip turn; strengthens the core
A Lean back on your hands, feet just beyond shoulder-width. Raise your right hand and twist to the left.
B Now push up with your arm and swing your torso to the other side. Land on your right arm. Reverse.
Elite tip: “Beginners can start in the ‘leg swoop’ position and move their arms from side to side."

3. Swing Plank
Dynamic deep press-up; hammers the core
A If you only master one abs move, make it this one. Place your palms flat, with your feet a metre or so behind them, knees turned out to the right.
B Pull your body forwards and straighten your legs, then return and repeat to your left-hand side.
Elite tip: “Stay as low as possible as you alternate."
The Tacfit upper-body workout
Follow the principles of US-led bodyweight exercise trend 'Tacfit' to pack on powerful, T-shirt filling muscle without hitting the gym. Perform 12 reps of each consecutive move without pausing, then rest 40sec. Do the circuit 5 times in total, subtracting 2 reps each time you repeat it

1. Hindu Press-Up
A tougher press-up; hits triceps and shoulders
A Get into the downward-dog position, as shown.
B Bend your arms, drive downwards, then straighten and raise your chest. Good job, soldier.
Elite tip: “Keep your elbows in close throughout."

2. Scorpion
Elite press-up; targets every arm muscle
A From a standard press-up position, lift your left leg.
B Lower your torso and place your left foot to the right. Lift up, switch sides. This is great for stability.
Elite tip: “Tighten your core to protect your back."

3. Push Plank
Flat press-up; works shoulders, back and arms
A For granite shoulders, crouch with your hands flat.
B Push from your shoulders (not your legs) to shift your upper body forwards. Stay close to the ground.
Elite tip: “Aim for a smooth, fluid movement."

4. Crow to Handstand
Intensive move; strengthens shoulders and back
A Crouch with your arms slightly bent, knees outside your elbows. Gradually lean forwards to lift your feet.
B Slowly raise up. Let’s see your gym buddies do that.
Elite tip: “Only try B once you’ve mastered the crow."
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