The symptoms of subacromial bursitis are similar to the symptoms of bursitis that occur in other joints in the body; pain, limited range of motion, weakness, difficulties sleeping, swelling and tenderness, and possibly a fever if the bursa is infected.

Direct pressure on the bursa will exacerbate the pain and should be avoided if possible. Subdeltoid or subacromial bursitis causes pain when you move your shoulder, particularly during activities requiring abduction and extension.
To diagnose your bursitis, the doctor may ask you to extend your arm out and he/she will apply resistance as you try to move it back towards your body. If the pain increases you may be suffering from bursitis, although other rotator cuff injuries and tendonitis can produce similar pain patterns.

The pain of bursitis starts gradually, originating deep inside your shoulder, and develops over a few days or even months. You will usually feel the pain on the outside of the shoulder and it may spread down the outer arm towards the elbow. If you raise your arm above your head, as you would when washing your hair or reaching high to get something off a shelf, the pain will worsen.
If the bursa is swollen and pinched by the acromion (Impingement Syndrome) the pain may occur as you lift your arm out to the side.
If your bursitis is caused by an infection in the bursa (septic bursa) you will usually experience a fever. If you are experiencing tenderness, warmth, and redness around the bursa, it is recommeded that you see a doctor for medication to get rid of the infection.
Limited Range of Motion and Weakness
When you have subacromial bursitis, the pain often limits your range of motion in the shoulder as you stop performing motions that make the pain worse. If bursitis is left untreated the inflammation can increase, causing more pain, limiting movement even more. Eventually weakness in the shoulder muscles and tendons can set in.

Difficulties Sleeping
Patients suffering from shoulder bursitis may also have interrupted sleep patterns. Simply rolling over on the affected shoulder during the night can cause pressure on the inflamed bursa increasing the pain at the pressure point. The pain can range from mild to very sharp depending on the amount of inflammation in your shoulder.
Tenderness and Swelling
A physical examination of your shoulder will show tenderness and usually warmth and swelling of the bursa and possibly the tendons as well. The tenderness will appear over the outside (lateral) shoulder and the subacromial space. There may be redness on your skin over the area.
It is important to treat bursitis to reduce these symptoms, minimize damage and maintain rotator cuff motion and strength. Without proper care, you may experience other painful conditions such as calcific tendonitis, frozen shoulder or a rotator cuff tear. By treating your shoulder bursitis in the early stages, you are more likely to prevent long-term damage and chronic conditions from setting in.
Treating Subacromial Bursitis
Relieving the symptoms of bursitis initially focuses on keeping the pressure off the bursa (i.e. carrying a backpack or purse on the opposite shoulder). Surgery may be required if your bursa irritation is a result of a bone formation problem, such as a hooked acromion causing impingement of the bursa. If your bursitis is caused by an infection (septic bursitis), the doctor will drain the bursa sac with a needle and prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

The most important factor in healing bursitis is resting your shoulder. This can be difficult when you have to carry on with daily activities, but resting your shoulder whenever you can is recommended. During your recovery you will probably have to modify or avoid the activities that stress your bursa until your pain and inflammation settle.
For non-infectious bursitis, the preliminary treatment starts with non-operative options such as Freezie Wrap® Cold Compression Therapy and Inferno Wrap® Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™. Surgery to remove the inflamed bursa is normally not required for bursitis, however if you fail to see improvement with the conservative treatments, your physician may recommend surgery to remove the bursa completely. Although this removes the problem of an inflamed bursa, you are left with less cushioning in your rotator cuff which can lead to a host of other shoulder pain and problems.
Therapies that decrease swelling and inflammation, treat scar tissue, and restore strength and movement in your shoulder will help you beat bursitis and get rid of your shoulder pain.
Freezie Wrap® Cold Compression Therapy
To decrease inflammation and relieve the pain of rotator cuff bursitis doctor's recommend cold therapy.
Applying cold to your inflamed bursa when you are experiencing shoulder pain, decreases the swelling and redness around it. Cold therapy will also help to numb the pain in your subacromial bursa and surrounding tissue and help to control the inflammation. In addition, the deep cooling effect provided by the Shoulder Freezie Wrap® reduces tissue damage.
The Shoulder Freezie Wrap® uses a supercharged cooling gel pack, thatchills in the fridge, not in the freezer like ice or other freezer packs, giving you deep cold therapy without the risk of 'cold burns' or cryoburn.
The Shoulder Freezie Wrap® can be used to apply cold in a safe, convenient and effective way - and the gel pack is reusable. The gel pack sits gently over the inflamed bursa to reduce swelling and redness. Use it as needed throughout the day for ongoing treatment of your bursa.
The wrap is soft and adjustable so it fits your shoulder properly, without irritating the bursa, and allows you to adjust the compression. This is important when treating an inflamed bursa because too much pressure can cause you further pain. You control how much pressure the bursa receives so you can benefit from the compression to hold the cold where you need it, without increasing your pain.
Click here to learn more about Cold Compression Freezie Wraps®
Applying cold to your tender bursa and rotator cuff is the first step in treating your bursitis. Next, you can begin using the Inferno Wrap® to accelerate the healing process.
Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™
Once the inflammation of your bursitis has been reduced with the Freezie Wrap® cold compression therapy treatment it is time to start BFST® treatments with the Inferno Wrap®. Regular treatments with the Inferno Wrap® will improve blood flow andimprove the elasticity of your surrounding soft tissue. Your body needs a fresh supply of blood to improve the health of your tissue and get your subacromial bursae and supraspinatus tendon back to normal.
Unfortunately, when you are suffering from bursitis in your subacromial bursa it is painful to lift your arm and use your shoulder. When you limit movement in your shoulder the blood flow is reduced, starving your tissue of the necessary oxygen and nutrients. The trick is to find a way toincrease blood flow without causing pain and/or further inflaming the bursae. This is where Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) becomes a powerful tool.
BFST® compliments your body's natural healing process by promoting the flow of blood to your shoulder while you give it the rest it needs.
The Shoulder Inferno Wrap®uses a patented process to generate the same energy that is part of the sun's spectrum of light, the same energy that is necessary to all living things for optimum health. The energy emitted from the Energy Web® stimulates blood flow to your rotator cuff, more than your body would ever be able to generate on it's own, giving your body the boost it needs to continue the reconditioning process. The healing energy reaches deep into your subacromial bursa and supraspinatus tendon to speed tissue repair, whisk away the toxins and dead cells, and rejuvenate your rotator cuff tissues for improved elasticity.
Click here to learn more about how BFST® and Inferno Wraps® work.
With these easy home therapies, you will noticesignificantly reduced pain and an incredible improvement in your shoulder pain and range of motion.
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