среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

3 Unique Uses for a Cable Station


Quit it with the crossovers - it's time for something productive.

You see them every time you hit the gym—the wifebeater-clad teens hogging both cable stations for more of the same old crap. (You’re not part of that crowd…are you?) Grab a D-handle and a rope attachment and give the cable station back its dignity.


Hook a rope attachment to a low pulley and face away from the station, holding the rope between your legs with both hands. Keeping your back flat, bend at the hips until your upper body is parallel to the floor. Engage your hamstrings and spinal erectors to stand upright.

Wood Chop

Attach a D-handle to the high pulley and grasp it with both hands. Chop across your body and down, cutting a path from above your shoulder to your opposite hip. Hit the same number of reps on each side.

Reverse Side Bend

Attach a D-handle to the high pulley and stand in a shoulder-width stance, facing the mirror, holding on to the handle with one hand. Tighten your core muscles and bend toward the weight stack, making sure not to lean forward. Hit the same number of reps on each side.

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