The holidays are over, and the relatives are gone. You probably have your sights set on 2015 and the new you. Your resolutions are in place and you have a fancy new gym membership to finally accomplish the goals you have been striving towards for years. We don’t want you to get sidetracked and end up at the bottom of a pint of ice cream wondering what the hell happened. So here are 8 unconventional workouts to start your new year and help you achieve your goals.
#1: Kettlebell Full Body Overload Workout
Workout Summary
Whether you’re a novice just getting into kettlebells or an experienced gym rat, this workout will challenge your will to the core. The Kettlebell Full Body Overload Workout will engage your entire body with just 5 simple exercises, increasing strength, power, and conditioning.
Workout Instructions
Perform all reps of each exercise before moving to next exercise. Move through each movement in group A as quickly as possible without rest. Once one round is completed rest as needed and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.
A1: Double Reverse Lunge – 4 rounds x 10 reps (each leg)
A2: Double Floor Press – 4 rounds x 10 reps
A3: Plyo Lunge – 4 rounds x 10 reps (each leg)
A4: Clap Push Up – 4 rounds x 10 reps
A5: Pull Up – 4 rounds x 10 reps
A2: Double Floor Press – 4 rounds x 10 reps
A3: Plyo Lunge – 4 rounds x 10 reps (each leg)
A4: Clap Push Up – 4 rounds x 10 reps
A5: Pull Up – 4 rounds x 10 reps
#2: Full Body Barbarian Mace Workout
Workout Summary
The Full Body Barbarian Quad Mace Workout will take you body to the next level. It is a full body workout focusing on dynamic compound movements. This training routine will increase your core strength, upper and lower body muscle endurance and aerobic conditioning.
Workout Instructions
Perform all reps of each exercise in group A before moving onto the next exercise. Move through all of group A as quickly as possible with minimal rest. Once completed rest as needed and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
A1: Quad Mace Curl to Press – 3 rounds x 5 reps (each side)
A2: Quad Mace Swing to Catch – 3 rounds x 15 reps (each side)
A3: Quad Mace Split Squat to Front Press – 3 rounds x 10 reps (each side)
A4: Quad Mace Pendulum Swing – 3 rounds x 20 reps (each side)
A2: Quad Mace Swing to Catch – 3 rounds x 15 reps (each side)
A3: Quad Mace Split Squat to Front Press – 3 rounds x 10 reps (each side)
A4: Quad Mace Pendulum Swing – 3 rounds x 20 reps (each side)
#3: Fat Burning Battle Ropes HIIT Workout
Workout Summary
The Fat Burning Battle Ropes HIIT Workout can be used as a finisher or just a stand alone workout if you are crunched for time. For those who do not know, HIIT stands of High Intensity Interval Training, and The Fat Burning Battle Ropes HIIT Workout is a sure fire way to strip the last bit of fat off for summer. Not only will the Fat Burning Battle Ropes HIIT Workout build work capacity and aerobic conditioning, it will also increase muscle endurance in the upper and lower body. Try this workout as soon as possible, all you need is a single Onnit battle rope and a small area to whip yourself into shape!
Workout Instructions
Perform as many waves as possible in 30 seconds. Once finished rest 30 seconds, move onto the next exercise in the group and repeat. Once finished with entire round. Rest for two minutes and repeat for a total of 6 rounds. For the Circle Wave and Low to High Chop, alternate which direction you perform the movement every round.
A1: Battle Rope Jump Slam – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A2: Battle Rope Alternating Wave with Squat – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A3: Battle Rope Alternating Wave with Side Lunge – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A4: Battle Rope Circle Wave – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A5: Battle Rope Low to High Chop – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A6: Battle Rope Kneel to Stand Wave – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A2: Battle Rope Alternating Wave with Squat – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A3: Battle Rope Alternating Wave with Side Lunge – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A4: Battle Rope Circle Wave – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A5: Battle Rope Low to High Chop – 6 rounds x 30 sec
A6: Battle Rope Kneel to Stand Wave – 6 rounds x 30 sec
#4: Sandbag Warrior Strength Workout
Workout Summary
For years the vast benefits of olympic lifts were restricted to barbells. With sandbag training you are provided with a safer option while reaping the many advantages of olympic lifting. Developing maximum strength, functional movements, conditioning, and explosive power simultaneously. Performing the Sandbag Warrior Strength Workout will achieve athleticism, functional movements, conditioning, and strength all at once, creating a unique training regimen for accelerated results.
Workout Instructions
Perform all rounds in each group before moving to next group. For Heavy Back Squat and Heavy Floor Press, you should only be able to manage 5 reps with the chosen weight. If you are able to perform 6-8 reps, add more weight. For the Tabata Thrusters, you will perform 20 secondss of work with 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds. Do not put down the weight during rest. Beginners rest in racked position, advanced rest in overhead position.
A1: Sandbag Clean from Hang – 4 rounds x 5 reps
B1: Heavy Sandbag Back Squat – 5 rounds x 5 reps
B2: Heavy Sandbag Floor Press – 5 rounds x 5 reps
B2: Heavy Sandbag Floor Press – 5 rounds x 5 reps
C1: Sandbag Military Press – 4 rounds x 5 reps
D1: Sandbag Bent Row – 4 rounds x 10 reps
E1: Sandbag Triceps Extension – 4 rounds x 10 reps
F1: Tabata Sandbag Thruster – 8 rounds x 20 sec on/10 sec off
#5: Steel Club Fundamentals Workout
Workout Summary
Just getting familiar with Heavy Steel Club training? No problem! We have you covered with this two part series focused on setting the foundational mechanics necessary to take the next step in your Steel Club training adventures. This basic program will introduce low amplitude swings along with pullovers, presses and squats. A steady diet of similar drills will be introduced in subsequent Steel Club training workout videos.
Workout Instructions
This program is to be done in a circuit format performing each Steel Club drill for the prescribed number of repetitions on each side before moving on to the next Steel Club drill. The focus is on developing proficiency with the Steel Club so rest as much as needed to maintain good form.
A1: 2-Hand Shouldered Squat – 4 rounds x 8 reps each side
A2: 2-Hand Pullover to Ready – 4 rounds x 8 reps each side
A3: 2-Hand Sit and Drive – 4 rounds x 20 reps
A4: 2-Hand Front Press – 4 rounds x 8 reps each side
A5: 2-Hand Lateral Sit and Drive – 4 rounds x 20 reps
A2: 2-Hand Pullover to Ready – 4 rounds x 8 reps each side
A3: 2-Hand Sit and Drive – 4 rounds x 20 reps
A4: 2-Hand Front Press – 4 rounds x 8 reps each side
A5: 2-Hand Lateral Sit and Drive – 4 rounds x 20 reps
#6: Badass Bodyweight Training Workout
Workout Summary
The Badass Bodyweight Training Workout is an explosive, full body workout that engages the entire body through a variety of movements that will take you from the ground up into the air. This full body training routine will increase your explosive power as well core strength, and overall conditioning. If you think you are a badass, try the Badass Bodyweight Training Workout and find out!
Workout Instructions
Move through each bodyweight exercise in group A as quickly as possible without rest. Once one bodyweight round is completed, rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds. Repeat the same steps for group B.
A1: Plyo Lunge – 4 rounds x 15 reps each side
A2: Side Plank – 4 rounds x 30 secs each side
A3: Push Up – 4 rounds x Max reps
A2: Side Plank – 4 rounds x 30 secs each side
A3: Push Up – 4 rounds x Max reps
B1: Squat Jump – 4 rounds x 20 reps
B2: Mountain Climber – 4 rounds x 15 reps each side
B3: Deck Squat – 4 rounds x 15 reps
B2: Mountain Climber – 4 rounds x 15 reps each side
B3: Deck Squat – 4 rounds x 15 reps
#7: Advanced Battle Ring Suspension Workout for Strength & Power
Workout Summary
Get ready to build strength and power through explosive suspension drills involving full body movements. This workout takes standard suspension exercises to the next level by taking away balance and adding explosiveness and rotations.
Workout Instructions
Perform Set A with no rest in between suspension exercises and 60 second rests in between rounds. Perform Set B with no rest in between suspension exercises and 30 seconds rest in between rounds. Perform Set C with no rest in between suspension exercises and 30 seconds rest in between rounds.
A1: Superman Extension – 3 rounds x 30 sec
A2: Explosive Leg Switch Body Row – 3 rounds x 30 sec
A3: Alternating Pistol Jump – 3 rounds x 30 sec
A4: Alternating Lawnmower Row – 3 rounds x 30 sec
A2: Explosive Leg Switch Body Row – 3 rounds x 30 sec
A3: Alternating Pistol Jump – 3 rounds x 30 sec
A4: Alternating Lawnmower Row – 3 rounds x 30 sec
B1: Walking the Plank – 3 rounds x 60 sec
B2: L-Sit Rope Climb – 3 rounds x 60 sec
B2: L-Sit Rope Climb – 3 rounds x 60 sec
C1: 1-Leg Burpee – 3 rounds x 30sec
C2: Back Lunge to Hop – 3 rounds x 30sec
C2: Back Lunge to Hop – 3 rounds x 30sec
#8: Building MMA Rotational Strength with Barbell Bus Drivers
Workout Summary
Barbell bus drivers are an example of a rotary stability exercise. These are slightly more complicated than isometric exercises because the core must remain stable while the limbs move. The movement requires stabilization of the core while simultaneously engaging concentric and eccentric movement in the upper body. The barbell bus driver will develop the striking power of a fighter and also build an iron midsection.
Workout Instructions
A1: Barbell Squat to Press – 4 rounds x 30 sec (each side)
A2: Barbell Busdriver – 4 rounds x 60 sec
A3: Barbell Shoulder Toss – 4 rounds x 30 sec (each side)
A4: Barbell Renegade Press – 4 rounds x 30 sec (each side)
A5: Barbell Bent Over Row – 4 rounds x 60 sec
A2: Barbell Busdriver – 4 rounds x 60 sec
A3: Barbell Shoulder Toss – 4 rounds x 30 sec (each side)
A4: Barbell Renegade Press – 4 rounds x 30 sec (each side)
A5: Barbell Bent Over Row – 4 rounds x 60 sec