среда, 17 июля 2013 г.

How Gunnar MASSIVELY Increases The Metabolic Load of The Basic Fat Loss Exercises


Metabolic Load is a fancy way of saying how much energy is used - or how many calories are burned.  Not just in the exercise, but post exercise.
*Side note: If you've read that the amount of calories burned post workout by EPOC was incorrect, you're right.  The truth is, metabolic strength training does burn more calories post workout, but it's not by EPOC.  Scientists haven't figured out *why* metabolic stength training increases your metabolism, but they all agree that it *does*.
Three ways to increase metabolic load of a basic exercise:
1.) Add a twist or rotation
2.) Add a dramatic level change
3.) Add a sideways move
These three tricks can be added to any of the basic exercises we love, like squats, lunges, presses, and rows.  Most people are shocked at how much something like a twist increases the amount of work required.
Most moves we do in the gym are exactly the opposite of these three things - They're only front to back (no side to side, twisting or rotation), they have a pretty small range of motion (no dramatic level change).

Gunnar Peterson Demonstrating Three Examples:

Side Lunge with Wood Chop: This is a sideways lunge with a massive level change of the weight, and a little bit of a twist.  I added the red arrow to demonstrate how far the weight is moving.
"T" Pushup : This is a pushup with rotation.  Again, I added red arrows to demonstrate that the body is rotating a full 90°
Squat Press with Twist: This is a massive level change and rotation.  Again, I added a red arrow to demontrate how far the dumbbell travels from the bottom of the squat to the top of the press.  
This is an even bigger rotation: Gunnar here is rotating his hips and trunk a full 90° at the top of the press.

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