Hit the full spectrum
Abs moves are fine, but unless you remove the layer of fat obscuring your six-pack, they’re essentially pointless. This move isn't: “It offers full-body training stimulus and also provides more of a metabolic component,” explains strength coach Tony Gentilcore. “By incorporating more muscle and adding movement, the fat-loss effect trumps most if not all other core exercises.” Aesthetics aside, you’ll also build midsection strength and stability as well as all-over muscle, while the full-body demands make it CrossFit-effective for conditioning.
If you don’t have a 'landmine' holder, place the end of the barbell in the corner of the gym or a power rack. Boom.
Grab the bar with a mixed grip, feet either side. Keep your lower back naturally arched, chest out, chin tucked.
Lift it up and over your head in an arc, rotating so you can set it down on the other side. Now pick it back up again.
Do 3-4 sets of 45-60 seconds for fat-loss and fitness, or 5-6 reps per side for strength and muscle. Tough choice.
What you’ll gain
• A workout for everything, lungs included
• A six-pack instead of a pot (o’flab)
• A mild ribbing for doing a move called 'rainbow'
Words: Jamie Millar Photography: Adrain Weinbrecht
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