среда, 30 апреля 2014 г.

Mobility 101


Here are the Mobility WODs I found most useful, sorted by body part / movement.
Work mobility every day. 15 minutes. Pick 3 areas and do 2 minutes per side.


Mobility KitYou will need:

Squat Specific

Becoming a Supple Leopard Kelly Starrett

Front Rack Position Specific



Calves / Feet

Hip Openers, work on Hip Flexors

Hips General

Arms / Elbows /Wrists / Forearms



Quad / Knee

Neck / First Rib


Warm Up Routines

The Traditional Shoulder Pain Cycle


A couple of years ago, before meeting exercise physiologist Rick Kaselj, MS I found myself caught in this vicious cycle after injuring my shoulder while competing in powerlifting.
As Rick later explained to me this cycle is very common and has happened to most of his clients in the past. It goes a little something like this…
  • STEP 1At some point in your lifting career you come home and your shoulder just feels extra sore and you know something isn’t right so you take some anti-inflammatory pills and throw an ice pack on. It’s not a big deal and part of playing sports and training hard right?Hopefully in a few days it will be completely better, but usually some kind of discomfort or pain lingers. That’s no reason to miss a workout though. I know what’s on your mind, you can always avoid a few exercises that cause it to flare up or just train legs.
  • STEP 2: Eventually this gets old and if it doesn’t feel better after a few weeks or months it’s probably time to visit the doctor to find out what’s going on. After using up a sick day and sitting for an hour in the waiting room it’s pretty annoying when the doctor tells you to rest, ice, and don’t do things that hurt. Seriously?If your insurance isn’t that great you’ll probably have to go back to your primary care doctor to get a referral to see a specialist. They’ll have you do an MRI which is super expensive. You’ll have to schedule another appointment for that though.
  • STEP 3: After the MRI you’ll get the diagnosis at your next appointment. How many appointments is that so far? I’ve lost track already…sigh
  • STEP 4: of the pain cycle is when you get sent to a physical therapist. If you’re in luck your therapist has worked with athletes in the past but who are we kidding, most of the people in the center are not physically fit at all.
  • STEP 5: Modalities you might be exposed to include hot packs, cold packs, ultrasound and electrical stimulation to name just a few.
  • STEP 6Once your insurance runs out or you think you know the stretches and strengthening exercises well enough you can continue with the rehab on your own time.
  • STEP 7: If it still doesn’t feel better it’s time for another MRI……cha-ching, the cost is really adding up fast.
  • STEP 8: Next you can try more physical therapy or you can cover the symptoms with a cortisone shot that will numb the pain for a couple months. After that there’s always surgery, but something in your gut tells you that’s not what you really need. Listen to your instincts.
In my case this entire cycle lasted 6-months, but others aren’t so fortunate. The worst part is it can keep perpetuating itself and you can find yourself going through this pain cycle over and over.

вторник, 29 апреля 2014 г.

Печень как маленький завод.

Печень, действительно, напоминает настоящий завод . Она вырабатывает множество белковых ферментов, необходимых для нормального протекания жизненно важных биологических и биохимических процессов в нашем организме. Вот неполный перечень. Нелишним будет узнать, что именно составляет работу этого важного органа. Существуют исследования, которые оценивают уровень этих веществ в крови. Низкий уровень может указывать на повреждение печени.
1. Альбумин. Главный белок крови. Симптом пониженного альбумина – эдема или отек.
2. Ферменты. С помощью аланинаминотрансферазы и других ферментов с подобными звучными именами перечень перерабатывает пищу.
3. Свертывающие белки крови. Состояние свертывающей системы крови определяет, прежде всего, протромбин – сложный белок, показатель способности крови к свертыванию.

5 Reasons Kettlebells Are Great for Women


kettle bells are great for women
naghar fonooni logoIf I had asked you what a kettlebell was five years ago, your answer probably would have been, “A kettle-what?” Long used by Russian police and military forces, and a historic staple in weightlifting, kettlebells didn’t become a mainstream exercise tool until recently when Pavel Tsatsouline and the Russian Kettlebell Challenge made them popular.
Lucky for us, now you can find them in just about every gym, making exercise fun and efficient for gym-goers everywhere. And while kettlebell training is beneficial for everyone, it just so happens to be particularly great for women.
As a woman who virtually trains other women all over the world, I can tell you with tremendous confidence that kettlebells and women are a sweaty, heart-pumping match made in heaven. Here are 5 reasons why women should incorporate kettlebells into their exercise regimen.
They’re a Total-Body Workout Tool Unlike many training styles that have you work one body part at a time, most kettlebell movements engage your entire body at once. Thanks to its unique handle, the kettlebell creates an offset center of gravity, making it ideal for dynamic movements that activate your stabilizing muscles. Take the kettlebell swing, for example: With just one move you’re working your glutes, quads, abs, lats, grip, and shoulders, all while burning a ton of fat. Rather than doing separate cardio, strength, and mobility workouts, kettlebell trainingcombines them, allowing you to build muscle and simultaneously burn body fat.
They Save You Time When I ask women why they don’t exercise, the number one reason I hear is: I don’t have time. Trust me, I get it. Mom, entrepreneur, coach, wife, writer, chef, dog-walker—these are all of the hats I wear on a daily basis. I know what it’s like to be busy and to feel like there’s no possible way I can fit exercise into the rest of my hustle.
Being able to engage your entire body in just a handful of moves with a kettlebell is a huge time benefit. Rather than spending hours at the gym, you can complete a full body kettlebell workout in as little as 10 minutes. Hard to believe, I know—but it’s true! All you need is one kettlebell and a few basic exercises to complete a total body metabolic resistance workout.
They’re Versatile and Travel Well It’s pretty incredible what you can do with just one kettlebell. All you need is one (I suggest most women start with one that weighs between 18 and 26 pounds) and a little bit of space to swing it around to enjoy an effective, total body, fat-burning workout. It’s convenient to keep one in a closet at home, and they travel well, too. I’ve taken kettlebells on road trips, to the beach, to the park, and even to a friend’s houses for buddy workouts.
They’re Less Intimidating than Traditional Free Weights Let’s face it: weight rooms can be intimidating. (Anxiety can strike anytime you try something new!) The last thing you want to do in there is pick something up and get hurt when you’re new to strength training. Kettlebells are the perfect gateway! Learning to squat, deadlift, press, and so on with kettlebells is far more manageable than learning to do the same exercises with barbells. (Once you get the hang of those moves using kettlebells, you can easily graduate to barbells.)
They’re Fun! And isn’t that the whole point of working out? If you don’t enjoy it, you’re not going to keep doing it. Kettlebells are loads of fun, because they’re different than other things you’ve tried in the past, offering a much needed change of pace. Plus, kettlebell workouts are easy enough to get started, and challenging enough to keep you coming back for more, so you’ll never get bored.
Ready to pick one up? Stay tuned tomorrow for the best kettlebell workout for beginners!



A rotator cuff injury is a major set back for athletes. Here are the best exercises to prevent shoulder injuries.
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Whether tossing a football, swimming, or painting the ceiling, you demand a lot from your shoulders. However, unlike the big joints of your lower body, soft tissues are the main form of support for the shoulder.
The four rotator cuff muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis) are the key to providing stability to the shoulder complex. Given the relatively small size of these muscles and the amount of work that is demanded of them, they can be torn due to trauma or inflamed from overuse.
Here are two fundamental concepts for maintaining optimal rotator cuff health:

1. Maintain Full Shoulder Range of Motion.

Self-assessment Range of Motion Test:
> Reach one hand behind your back. Can you slide your hand upwards along your spine, to touch the bottom of your shoulder blade?
> Reach one hand behind your head. Can you move it down your neck to touch between your shoulder blades?
> Note any differences from one arm to the other.

Post-assessment Range of Motion Exercises:

If there is any restriction, do the towel stretch to gain flexibility:
> Place a towel behind your back, with one hand holding from the top and the other hand holding from the bottom.
> Try to walk your fingers together and also gently pull from either direction, into the most restricted motion.
> Hold 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

2. Strengthen The Rotator Cuff Muscles

Do these three exercises at a cable tower, starting with enough weight to fatigue at 10 to 12 repetitions:
Internal Rotation:
Stand with your lifting arm closest to the cable machine, with your elbow flexed to 90-degrees. Rotate your hand from outside to inwards, bringing your hand towards your belly.
External Rotation:
Switch positions so that your lifting arm is farthest from the cable machine. Keep your elbow bent at 90-degrees and rotate your hand outwards from your abdomen.
Scaption: "Scapular plane elevation"
Similar to a lateral shoulder fly, you lift your arm upwards on an angle 30-degrees forward of the frontal plane. Prevent your shoulder blade from hiking up towards your ear.
- See more at: http://www.mensfitness.com/training/pro-tips/injury-free-best-rotator-cuff-exercises#sthash.tLgdhpeM.dpuf

3 Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

Screen Shot 2014-04-18 at 9.22.26 AM
3 Exercises to Strengthen Your Back
Written by Bryan Miller
Who could use a stronger back? Answer: EVERYONE. Remember, the back is your base for all your main lifts; if you have a weak back, it will show in everything you do. Here are some different exercises to improve back strength and stability.
Snatch Grip Deadlift Off Podium
This is a great exercise that stimulates the entire body. If you don’t believe me, do a moderate to heavy set of eight and tell me how you feel after! During this exercise, your traps and upper back are doing their best to prevent your arms from being pulled away from your body and the quads are highly stimulated because of the huge increase in range of motion in the lift.
If you have a weak first pull in your Olympic lifts, this is a good exercise for you, as it overloads your starting position.
Stand on a platform that is 2-4 inches in height; straps are a must for this exercise or your thumbs might be in some serious pain.
Back/Hip Extensions
These are probably not high on many peoples list of top back exercises but these have been a staple of many high level athletes training for a long time. There is a great therapeutic effect that this exercise has on the lower back because of the increase of blood flow to the area, as the low back is not a very vascular part of the human body. These are great for a warm up or cool down exercise or even as a loaded exercise for accessory work. They will also give you the benefit of a stronger back arch in your squats if you have the tendency of rounding the back on back squats.
Pendlay Rows
With all the vertical pulling that CrossFit athletes do (think: muscle ups and kipping/butterfly pull-ups), it is important for structural balance that horizontal pulling is included into the training programs.
You should aim for a 1:1 ratio between your vertical pushing (press, push press, push/split jerk) and pulling (pull-ups) and the same ratio between your horizontal pushing (bench press, pushups) and pulling (Pendlay rows, single arm rows). Balancing these opposing exercises will help protect your shoulders.
Additionally, Pendlays rows increases your lat strength, which will help you keep the bar closer to your body during Olympic lifting.
1. Bill Hartman Interviewed by Mike Robertson, Testosterone Muscle Articles, T NATION | Smartest Man in Fitness?”, April 15, 2014,http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_smartest_man_in_fitness

понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.

Отвислый живот уберет полотенце

Японский метод коррекции фигуры меняет внешний вид за пять минут в день

Эту простую технику разработали японские специалисты около десяти лет назад. Она позволяет вернуть скелет в естественное положение и изменить очертания тела, сделав талию тоньше, а спину – ровнее. Книга с описанием методики разошлась громадным тиражом – 6 миллионов экземпляров, но описание чудо-техники укладывается всего в несколько абзацев.
1.Скатываем из полотенца тугой валик длиной не менее 40 сантиметров и толщиной 7–10 сантиметров. Перевязываем валик крепкой ниткой, чтобы не размотался.
2.Садимся на достаточно твердую горизонтальную поверхность (мягкая кровать не подойдет, лучше лежать на кушетке, массажном столе или просто на туристическом коврике на полу), кладем свернутый валик.
3.Аккуратно опускаемся на спину, придерживая валик руками так, чтобы он оказался поперек тела под поясницей – ровно под пупком. Это важно.

4.Ноги кладем на ширину плеч и «косолапо» сводим стопы вместе – так, чтобы большие пальцы касались друг друга, а пятки были на расстоянии 20–25 сантиметров.
5.Заводим вытянутые прямые руки за голову, поворачиваем их ладонями вниз и соединяем между собой мизинцами. Поза достаточно неудобная, если вам сложно распрямить руки полностью, не страшно, пусть лежат, как получается. Главное, следить, чтобы соприкасались большие пальцы ног и мизинцы рук.

6.Лежим в таком положении 5 минут.
Если все сделано правильно, ваш скелет начнет немедленно принимать естественную для него форму – и вы ощутите, как живот чудесным образом «втягивается» внутрь тела. Однако этот процесс может быть болезненным. Если вам слишком сложно сразу выдержать пять минут, начинайте с минуты-двух, каждый день увеличивая время «отдыха на валике». Результаты станут заметны окружающим примерно через месяц.
(!) За время каждого сеанса кости и суставы слегка сдвигаются с места, поэтому вставать с полотенца нужно очень аккуратно, без резких движений.