воскресенье, 4 января 2015 г.

Spartan30 Squats Week 3

By Todd M. Cambio

 Spartan30 Squat Week 3

Spartan30_SQUAT_LogoWeek 3 Goal: Bring Out Your Inner Animal
Phase 1 of Spartan30 was all about improving your mobility by re-patterning your deep squat.  Phase 2 of Spartan30 was about mastering your classic body weight squat or air squat variations.  Phase 3 is about having some fun with a few animal movements!  More specifically, brining out the “A” in our Spartan A, B, C’s!  
The “A” stands for Ape.  The reason I chose these movements is becasue I consider these animal movements a squat based movement.  These variations of the Ape are great for hip mobility and getting your juices flowing for a great training session!  At the end of the week we got into some more traditional squats the lead us into our power phase of Spartan30!  
For more specifics on these, go to my FAN page on Facebook, Coach Cambio for all the videos on these squat variations.
Day 15 The Perfect Squat
Day 15: The Perfect Squat #Spartan30 #squat This is one of my favorites!  It is also a great movement to transition us into one of the Spartan A, B, C's...APE...of course!  The other great thing about this movement is that it can be built upon!  It could
Day 16 Lateral Ape
Lateral Ape
Day 17 Gorilla
Day 18 Lateral Sumo Ape
Day 18: Lateral Sumo Ape #spartan30 #squat Challenge!  This one really opens the hips and gets your glute medius's firing!  Believe it or not, this could help reduce back pain too!  #coachcambio #spartanup #spartansgx #spartanrace #spartanracing #spartans
Day 19 The Gorilla Charge
Gorilla Charge
Day 20 Split Squats
Single Leg Split Squat
Day 21 Calf Raise Squats
Squat to Calf Raise

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