Pendulum -
Clean one Clubbell to order and swing it down and out to the left making a half circle. Catch the Clubbell and then swing it in the opposite direction and catch it again. Go back and forth with each arm for 10 repetitions. This is a great drill for loosening up the shoulders before and after workouts.
Shield Cast -
This is my favorite Clubbell drill and I noticed the increased stability in my shoulders after a few sessions of executing the Arm-Pit Cast. Clean a Clubbell to order and then raise your elbow above your head and take the Clubbell all the way around and bring it back to the starting position. This move had a real primal feel to it and requires a good amount of coordination. Go light and ease into it to avoid hitting yourself in the face. Do a few sets of 5-10 per workout.
Double Arm-Pit Cast -
This exercise really hits the rear delts and a few muscles that you did not even realize that you had. I experienced a noticeable increase in shoulder size especially the rear delts after doing this exercise for only a week. Similar to the single Arm-pit Cast, this exercise is also great for shoulder stability. While it is not a triceps exercise, I found that this exercise really pumped up my triceps. Clean two Clubbells to order. Crush grip the handles and take the Clubbells behind your head in right angles. Contract your stomach and butt and bring the Clubbells back to the starting position. try doing a few sets of 5-10 reps.
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