The Sandbag Deadlift
The Sandbag Deadlift is a key strength movement like the Sandbag Back Squat and the Sandbag Overhead Press. It should be your strongest exercise in terms of the amount of weight you can lift.
- Start with your feet right next to or under the bag
- Take your grip - this could either be via the handles or the material of the bag
- Set your back in the correct position - neutral spine
- The knees should be slightly bent
- Keep the sandbag close to your legs throughout the lift
- Your shoulders should be over the sandbag
- The arms stay straight - just like hooks
- Maintaining the natural curve in your back, stand upright
- Be sure to open out your hips fully in between lifts
- See ‘Sandbag Suitcase Deadlift’
The Sandbag Back Squat
The Sandbag Back Squat is one of our top 3 strength building exercises, the others being the Sandbag Deadlift and the Sandbag Overhead Press. At Sandbag Fitness we perform it exactly (with just a few small adjustments) as you would with a regular Barbell. The major variations are based around working specifically with the bag as opposed to the bar. With that in mind, you could use the sandbag back squat as part of a modified Starting Strength or Wendler 5-3-1 programme.
The Sandbag Back Squat is the squat variation that will allow you to lift the most weight - it is therefore a vital component for building strength. However, we also include Sandbag Front Squats, Sandbag Zercher Squats, Sandbag Shoulder Squats and Sandbag Bear Hug Squats in this programme for the other benefits they provide.
The Sandbag Back Squat is the squat variation that will allow you to lift the most weight - it is therefore a vital component for building strength. However, we also include Sandbag Front Squats, Sandbag Zercher Squats, Sandbag Shoulder Squats and Sandbag Bear Hug Squats in this programme for the other benefits they provide.
- The first challenge is to get the sandbag up onto your back - I normally Clean and Press it into position
- The sandbag should sit horizontally across your upper back - use your hands and traps to keep it in place
- Your feet should be at least shoulder width apart and slightly turned out
- Begin the movement by pushing your hips back into the squat
- Bend your knees and squat down so your knees are at least parallel with the crease in your hip
- Drive the hips back upwards and return to standing
- The chest should stay fairly high
- Feet should stay flat with the weight predominantly in the rear of the foot
- The knees can track forward but try to avoid them passing excessively in front of the toes
- The knees should remain in-line with the feet at all times - do not allow the knees to track inwards toward each other
The Sandbag Overhead Press
The Sandbag Overhead Press is another key movement found in many different programmes like Crossfit, Starting Strength and Wendler 5-3-1. Again, we perform it with few changes - except for the additional challenge of having to stabilise the bag overhead and the different grips needed.
- Start with the sandbag at chest/shoulder height - as in a front squat
- Without additional help from the legs, press the sandbag upwards and above the head
- The arms should go to full extension
- The head should be slightly in front of the arms at this point of full extension
- Stay in neutral spine throughout
- Return to the starting position and repeat
- See ‘Sandbag Push Press’
- See ‘Sandbag Push Jerk’
The Sandbag Floor Press
The Sandbag Floor Press is our version of the bench press. It develops upper body strength and power, particularly in the chest and arms.
- Lie down on the ground with the sandbag in both hands, lying across your chest
- Push the sandbag straight upwards by extending your arms
- Arms should go to full extension
- Return the sandbag to the starting position and repeat
- Perform the exercise with a Hip Bridge (as pictured)
The Sandbag Clean
This is the first in a series of posts aimed at teaching and improving your technique in a variety of the key exercises that we use at Sandbag Fitness.
The Sandbag Clean
The Sandbag Clean (and it’s derivatives - the Sandbag Power Clean and the Sandbag Hang Clean) is one half of the Olympic Lift, the Clean and Jerk. It is also the standard technique for getting your sandbag, or any other weight, from the ground to chest height.
The Sandbag Clean
The Sandbag Clean (and it’s derivatives - the Sandbag Power Clean and the Sandbag Hang Clean) is one half of the Olympic Lift, the Clean and Jerk. It is also the standard technique for getting your sandbag, or any other weight, from the ground to chest height.
- Start as you would for a Sandbag Deadlift, with your feet slightly under the bag
- Set yourself ready
- Lift the bag from the ground and, as it gathers some momentum, explosively pull the bag upwards
- Try to use the power generated through your hips to do most of the work
- As the sandbag travels upwards prepare yourself to catch
- Do not throw the bag upwards, keep hold of it, it should become almost weightless
- Catch the bag with a Zercher grip or at either end of the sandbag
- Descend into a Squat
- Return back to standing as though coming out of a Sandbag Front Squat
- Return the bag to the ground in a fluid movement
- A Sandbag Power Clean is the same except you do not squat as part of the lift
- A Sandbag Hang Clean is the same except the sandbag is pulled from mid thigh instead of from the ground
The Sandbag Get Up
The Sandbag Get Up is another exercise that is traditionally done with either a kettlebell or a dumbbell. Using an unstable object like the sandbag makes for a much more challenging movement.
- Take hold of the sandbag in either one hand or across one shoulder
- Powerfully roll out onto your elbow on the opposite side
- Keep a wide base with your legs when you do this
- Push up onto your opposite hand
- Get your legs under you - ideally in a lunge position
- Stand up fully
- Return to the ground and repeat
The Sandbag Windmill
The Sandbag Windmill is the ultimate exercise for core strength and mobility. It’s also an excellent movement for shoulder stability.
- Lift your sandbag up to shoulder height and hold it in one hand
- Turn your feet at 45° to the working arm
- Press the sandbag overhead and keep the arm straight for the remainder of the exercise
- Push your hip out to the side and reach down towards the floor
- Look up towards the sandbag and allow the shoulder to rotate if necessary
- The working arm MUST stay fully extended
- See ‘Sandbag Bent Press’
The Sandbag High Pull
The Sandbag High Pull is a progression exercise for the Sandbag Clean and also develops power in the posterior chain.
- Stand over the sandbag, as if you are going to Deadlift or Clean it
- Take the weight
- Explode powerfully upwards - extending the hips fully and pulling the weight quickly up to chest/chin height
- Try to use the power generated through your hips to do most of the work
- The elbows should be high at the top of the movement
- Open the chest out at the top of the movement
- Return the sandbag to the floor and repeat
- Single-arm High Pulls
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