понедельник, 23 февраля 2015 г.

Kettlebell Circuit Training in 10 minutes

Here is an easy format for a quick and effective kettlebell circuit training session when you’re in a rush.
In the video below I take you though one possible example, but I am also giving guidelines to create your own short circuits.
Since this is a time limited program, select full body exercises.
Pick 4 exercises and perform 4 rounds of decreasing duration. 60 seconds, 45, 30 and then 15 seconds on the last round. (Inspiration from Ross Enamait ” No excuses”)
Always pick the relevant load to perform each exercise safely and challenge yourself.
Since you’ll be doing less reps as you go, and you’ll be nicely warmed up on each consecutive round, you also have the possibility to increase load each round.
By varying rest intervals between rounds you can easily have 3 levels of progression, according to your fitness levels.
  • Level 1: 60 sec rest between in each round (13 min total)
  • Level 2: 30 sec rest between in each round (11min30sec total)
  • Level 3: No rest between rounds (10 min total)
If you do not have a timer near by, use a descending rep scheme such as 20,15,10,5 reps for example.
Avoid picking exercise that target similar movement patterns (ex: deadlift, snatch, squat, swing).
Exercises can be done with single, double kettlebells, a combination of both, bodyweight exercises or any other thing you have at your disposal.
Single kettlebell circuit example
  • Reverse lunges
  • Clean and push press
  • Clean and push press, opposite side
  • Figure 8 to a hold
Double kettlebell circuit example
  • Double swings
  • Alternating renegade rows
  • Double reverse lunges
  • Alternating rolling floor press

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