четверг, 12 февраля 2015 г.

Kettle bell Training : Posture

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Your posture is how you hold your own body. Before you pick up your first kettlebell you need to be aware of and pay attention to how you carry yourself. 
Your posture will relate to the structural integrity of your movements and will determine if you do benefit or harm with the exercises you perform. Along with your mindset and your breathing, your posture will set the foundation for your kettlebell practice. 
The following are the most important postural guidelines for kettlebell training, however in general they will apply as guidelines for all movements, as the principles of postural alignment do not vary even as our activities change:
 -Lifting up from the roof of the head (crown point)
-Chin up 
-Chest up
-Scapulas (shoulder blades) retracted (pulled back, pinched together)
-Neck and trapezius muscles lengthening downwards 
-Core activated/Ribcage lifted
-Pelvis tilted slightly forward/low back relaxed and flat
-Legs/knees extended but relaxed
-Toes spread wide apart with feet pressed into the floor
Relax in this vertically placed position, From an overhead view looking down, your head, hips and feet all fall within the same vertical column. Your center of mass is perfectly placed over your base of support (stance) and you are comfortable.
Take slow deep breaths, filling up from the belly up during inhale and relaxing completely with exhale.
While attending to all of the above guidelines, you are relaxing, letting any tension just roll off and down from your face, neck, shoulders, arms and hips down into the ground, like water flowing down a fall. 
Common postural errors to avoid and corrections:
Error: Looking down
Correction: Eyes look forward
 Error: Dropping or raising the chin
Correction: Tuck the chin as if holding a tennis ball between your chin and neck 
Error: Tilting head to one side or the other
Correction: Lift up from the Crown of your head, as if you are suspended by a string from the ceiling 
Error: Rounding the shoulders forward 
Correction: Pinch your shoulder blades together 
Error: Allowing your midsection “core” to be too soft
Correction: Lift your ribcage up, press up through the crown of your head and press your feet into the floor
Error: Rounding the spine
Correction: Eyes look forward and press your head up through the crown 
Error: Arching the lower back
Correction: Tilt your pelvis slightly forward so that lower back is flat
Error: Holding the breath at any point
Correction: Focus on strong exhales to expel stale air (the inhale will follow naturally)
Error: Knees too soft and bending
Correction: Push the feet into the floor and press up through the crown of the head; fully extend knees without squeezing them 
Error: Weight shifting to inside or outside of feet
Correction: Spread toes apart from each other and and press the entire foot evenly into the floor
Error: Kicking out the hips to one side or the other
Correction: Distribute your weight evenly over both feet 
Error: Thrusting the chest out excessively 
Correction: Pinch your shoulder blades together then relax the muscles while maintaining the body alignment 
Always remain mindful of your posture, keeping your body upright yet relaxed, taking deep, full breaths. As you transition from your static standing posture to the more dynamic kettlebell exercises, you will maintain this same upright posture throughout all your movements. 
By attending to your posture, the kettlebell training will build upon a solid, stable foundation and assure that your practice is safe and effective.  

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