вторник, 10 февраля 2015 г.

Ricky Rubio: The 5-Exercise Dynamic Warm-Up

Watch NBA star Ricky Rubio perform a warm-up for his workout.
To prepare his body for more intense exercises, NBA star Ricky Rubio performs a dynamic warm-up consisting of five exercises designed to elevate his heart rate and increase his mobility. 

Coaching Points

1) Bear Crawl

- Keep your back flat and core tight
- Do not bounce up and down
- 1x15-20 yards forward and backward

2) Low Oblique Bridge

- Align your shoulders vertically
- Have a partner hold your bottom knee on the ground
- Flex your obliques and glutes to drive your hips up
- 3x10 sec. each side

3) Supine 90-90 Anti-Rotation Press

- Press your lower back into the ground
- Keep your abs tight
- Do not rotate from side to side
- 1x10 each side

4a) Rotational Lateral Squat

- Assume a wide stance
- Attach a cable or resistance band to your far shoulder
- Drive laterally off the ground
- 1x5 each leg

4b) Slide Board Lateral Slide

- Explode laterally off your outside leg
- Slide on both feet
- Bend your hip and knee on stop contact to absorb momentum
- 1x10

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