воскресенье, 20 июля 2014 г.

Slosh Pipe training for obstacle course racing

In the sport of obstacle course racing, very often we are asked to carry unusual objects, so in training we should do the same.  Recently the Slosh Pipe has made it’s appearance on the scene as an object that many people train with.  Spartan Race even has an overhead press contest at their races using the Slosh Pipe.  Where did the invention of this wonderful training tool come from?  Of course you know who invented it, it is none other than Dan John.  If you don’t know who Dan John is then go out and buy his book Never Let Go and find out.

If you don not know what a Slosh Pipe is, here is your chance to learn.  A Slosh Pipe is a long PVC pipe around 3-4 inches thick and 9 feet long, yes you can make smaller ones but the 9 foot versions challenge you the most.  Fill the PVC up with water about 30-40 pounds of water.  The point is not to fill the pipe up all the way.  Cap both ends of the PVC, the water will then “slosh” around and boom you have yourself a Slosh Pipe.
This little piece of PVC can put you through a great training session.  Having trouble strengthening your core, well carry the Slosh Pipe around for a training session and watch how you will have a nice core training session. There are a few carries that you can perfrom with the Slosh Pipe as well as a different exercises.  You can do overhead presses like mentioned above, squats and I have even done some deadlifts with them, however the deadlift is harder than usual because grabbing around the thick pipe can be difficult.   Below is a video of some of the carries that can be performed with the Slosh Pipe.  This video was shot a couple of years ago and I remember how windy the day was which just enhanced the fun.  Check out the video below.

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