вторник, 2 декабря 2014 г.



Learning new Steel Club skills should always be built on progressions. If you have developed proficiency in the individual components that make up a complex skill and teach your nervous system how to properly sequence the skills then you will be able to perform the complex skill well. It has been made to seem much more complicated than it is by some. In this 4-part series you will be introduced to a no nonsense approach to building complex skills.
This first Steel Club workout in the Progressive Challenge series will focus on transitioning into and out of the basic Steel Club Pullover exercises in combination with either a Steel Club Squat or Steel Club Clean.

Workout Instructions

This program is to be done in a circuit format performing each drill in the workset for the prescribed number of repetitions with one grip before changing grips. This will allow the progressions to build naturally by grooving the techniques on one side without having to stop and change grips on each exercise. For example…you will perform A1-A3 continuously with a right hand over grip before changing grips to left hand over and going back through A1-A3 to complete one round.
A1: Steel Club 2-Hand Pullover to Ready – 4 rounds x 5 reps each side
A2: Steel Club 2-Hand Front Press Squat – 4 rounds x 5 reps each side
A3: Steel Club 2-Hand Barbarian Squat – 4 rounds x 5 reps each side
B1: Steel Club 2-Hand Side Clean – 4 rounds x 5 reps each side
B2: Steel Club 2-Hand Side Pullover – 4 rounds x 5 reps each side
B3: Steel Club 2-Hand Side Clean to Pullover – 4 rounds x 5 reps each side

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