вторник, 28 июля 2015 г.

19 Exercises You Need To Know For Stronger Legs!


I want stronger legs. In fact, I think humanity as a whole needs stronger legs. Why do I say so? Well vast majority of people are so dependent on automated mobility that they end up preferring to drive miles than walk a couple of blocks. This has stemmed from a fear of getting tired and sweating and it has made humans probably the laziest animal on Earth. Even a sloth has stronger legs than most people. Being lazy is actually one of the reasons why people aren’t as fit as they actually want to be and automated travel may even make it worse in the future.
If you’ve been reading me for a while, you would know I advocate whole  training. I get stronger arms, stronger legs, and a stronger body overall by using a couple of  and bodyweight exercises. Ever since I discovered the benefits of whole body training, I never went back to isolation exercises again.
I often feel perplexed at how most gym rats forget about leg day. Kettlebell training doesn’t neglect training day. Even the most basic of kettlebell exercises makes use of the whole body. I’m sure some barbell training like squats can provide stronger legs yet why do people prefer upper body training so much? Don’t people know having stronger legs is a part of getting a stronger body?
To aid with my small presentation, Decibel Nutrition has sent me a new infographic aimed towards getting stronger legs. They’ve been part of my infographic series for quite some time now and I always welcome good contributions. They send me these cool infographics and I post them here for my readers to see.
Today, they sent me this compilation of 19 of the best leg exercises to get your ordinary pair of walkers into superhuman limbs. Check out this link to get to the main article.
Stronger legs

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