воскресенье, 2 ноября 2014 г.

TacFit Firefighter Clubbell Full Body Workout


grey Workout Wednesday: TacFit Firefighter Clubbell Full Body WorkoutToday’s edition of Workout Wednesday comes from a couple of CST/TacFit coaches that happen to be actual firefighters by day and have appropriately named their site TacFit FireFighter.  For the last couple months my training has focused on preparing for the upcoming Circular Strength Training certification seminar in Washington.  I have been primarily working on the 3 main Clubbell exercises (last weeks post shows the 3 exercises) required to pass the certification and FlowFit level 3 exercises also a requirement.  This laser focused training has started to become a bit of a grind…
Since I have been focusing on my technique as much as increasing strength…translation, a lot of repetitions of the same exercises.  This focus on the skill and drilling very specific aspects of each exercise gets old for me when done day after day.  That is why I am highlighting the following TacFit Firefighter Clubbell circuit.  The following exercises not only benefit the movements in the three primary exercises I am trying to master, but they also provide a nice mental break from the continuous skills practice.  You don’t have to be training for CST certification to gain from trying this circuit.
The workout is a circuit style of four rounds of six exercises performed in shortest time possible.  The exercises will have you working in multiple planes of movement.  The circuit blends both a strength training component with a cardio component giving you the benefits of metabolic conditioning.

TacFit Firefighter Clubbell Full Body Workout:

TacFit Firefighter 6 Clubbell Exercises:

  • Front Swings x 20 reps
  • Gamma Cast Squats x 10 reps
  • Clean to Order Squat x 5 reps each side
  • Torch Press x 5 reps
  • Shoulder Cast x 5 reps each side
  • Flag Press x 5 reps
Give the previous circuit a try and drop a comment with how you did.  If you liked the exercises head over to the TacFit Firefighter blog.  They have some great resources and it is worth subscribing to their YouTube channel.

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