By Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., FACSM
Illustrations by Bill Hamilton, CMI
Why not find a step and get started right now?
Before Beginning:
• Warm up your knees with stretches and knee bends.
• Locate a step: the bottom step going up to your house or apartment, or perhaps a sturdy and steady box. If you are in a gym, you should be able to locate a step with a non-slip surface to use for this exercise.
• Locate a step: the bottom step going up to your house or apartment, or perhaps a sturdy and steady box. If you are in a gym, you should be able to locate a step with a non-slip surface to use for this exercise.
The Step-ups
1. Place your hands on your hips and keep your back straight and shoulders up (don’t lean forward).
2. Place your right foot on the step or platform. Keep your torso upright. Push off with the left leg to raise your body onto the step, placing that foot alongside your right foot. Try to avoid excessive forward movement of your right leg and torso as you step on the step.
3. At the top, with your weight on the right foot, lock your left knee, and extend your left leg behind you and upward in a kicking motion. This will really help to activate your gluteal muscles.
4. Bring the left leg back to the step. Then step down with the left, followed by the right leg.
2. Place your right foot on the step or platform. Keep your torso upright. Push off with the left leg to raise your body onto the step, placing that foot alongside your right foot. Try to avoid excessive forward movement of your right leg and torso as you step on the step.
3. At the top, with your weight on the right foot, lock your left knee, and extend your left leg behind you and upward in a kicking motion. This will really help to activate your gluteal muscles.
4. Bring the left leg back to the step. Then step down with the left, followed by the right leg.
• After 12 step-ups with the right leg, switch so that the next 12 are done with the left leg coming up first.
• Complete your set with 12 steps for each leg. Rest for about one minute, then begin your steps by stepping up with the left leg and also step down with this leg.
• Two sets of step-ups are fine to start with, but you should work up to 4 sets.
• If you need a greater challenge, you can hold a light dumbbell in each hand during the step-ups.
• Complete your set with 12 steps for each leg. Rest for about one minute, then begin your steps by stepping up with the left leg and also step down with this leg.
• Two sets of step-ups are fine to start with, but you should work up to 4 sets.
• If you need a greater challenge, you can hold a light dumbbell in each hand during the step-ups.
Ebben, WP, Feldmann, CR, Dayne, A, Mitsche, D, Alexander, P, & Knetzger, KJ 2009. Muscle activation during lower body resistance training. Int J Sports Med, 30, 1-8.
Mercer, VS, Gross, MT, Sharma, S, & Weeks, E 2009. Comparison of gluteus medius muscle electromyographic activity during forward and lateral step-up exercises in older adults. Phys Ther, 89, 1205-1214.
Miller, A, Callister, R 2009. Reliable lower limb musculoskeletal profiling using easily operated, portable equipment. Phys Ther Sport, 10, 30-37.
Moore, KL, Dalley, AF. Clinically Oriented Anatomy (4th Edition), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999, pp 531-551.
Santiworakul, A, Jarungjitaree, S, Jalayondeja, W, Chantarothorn, S, & Supaibulpipat, S 2009. Effect of lower-extremity exercise on muscle strength and physical capacity in COPD patients. J Med Assoc
Thai, 92, 556-563.
Mercer, VS, Gross, MT, Sharma, S, & Weeks, E 2009. Comparison of gluteus medius muscle electromyographic activity during forward and lateral step-up exercises in older adults. Phys Ther, 89, 1205-1214.
Miller, A, Callister, R 2009. Reliable lower limb musculoskeletal profiling using easily operated, portable equipment. Phys Ther Sport, 10, 30-37.
Moore, KL, Dalley, AF. Clinically Oriented Anatomy (4th Edition), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999, pp 531-551.
Santiworakul, A, Jarungjitaree, S, Jalayondeja, W, Chantarothorn, S, & Supaibulpipat, S 2009. Effect of lower-extremity exercise on muscle strength and physical capacity in COPD patients. J Med Assoc
Thai, 92, 556-563.
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